...and All is alright with the World.

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I've been told by a few Australian friends (outside of the forum) that Californians (real, native ones, not weird transplants that are usually seen in the news) are close to Aussies.

I've always wanted to make the trip down there to see for myself (and then jump over to New Zealand for some trout fishing), perhaps one day I'll find an excuse to do it!
Luckily I have the perfect excuse to visit Au Tas. My old school in Melbourne is very keen on ex pupils networking and keeping in touch. Regular reunions / events are held too... so, when one matches up to our availability the missus I will be heading 'down under'.
I'm not that keen on a 24 hour flight but, there is no alternative these days as all the regular passenger liners that travelled to and fro are long gone.
I have so many happy memories of the sheer space that Au / Tas has to offer. Maybe that's why I like France so much as it too has room to breath in.
Ode to Bacon

Oh sweet bacon that comes from above,
You had me at hello – it was pure piggy love.
You are everything I need or wanted in a meat.
With you sweet lover on my tongue, I feel so darn complete.

I love to watch you sizzle and pop on that grill.
Your oozing fat's delicious, your texture is a thrill.
You get along with everyone but can stand on your own.
If taste was a kingdom, you'd have a porky throne.

I come before you now to get down on my knee.
If you say yes, dear Bacon, I'd just die in jubilee.
I'd love you till forever, I'd never say goodbye.
The day I'd stop loving is the day that piglets fly.


Ode to Bacon (And How I Love Thee)

Ode to bacon and how I love thee,

For without you and your salty goodness,
Your meaty charms,
I'd be quite hungry.
Oh bacon,
how wonderful you make the world.
You're the one food that improves everything it touches,
Other than cheese or peanut butter of course.
Just one slice of you,
Or maybe two or three,
And a mediocre sandwich becomes divine,
A dull salad turns tasty.
And luckily for me,
Bacon can be eaten anytime of day,
In anyway, with any dish,
It's a versatile crunchy meat,
A delicious treat.
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Been cutting up onions to put in your bacon sandwich?

Bacon, fried crispy, crispy fried onion and a relish ( I won't make any suggestions but you know whats the best one to use) in a crusty white bread roll.

Yum :)
My God, I'm sick. That almost looks good.

Matt, sit down in your favorite comfy chair. Lean back and close your eyes. Now imagine: Two wafers of cookie-like goodness that tastes of chocolate with a chewy filling of chocolatey goo. As you bite down and your teeth pass through this cookie/chocolate confection they hit the warm sparkling slice of bacon. Bacon. Now the smell waffs up to your nostrils and your face muscles involuntarily twitch into a grin. You want to open your eyes, to see that this is for real but reason prevails as you don't want to spoil the moment. You keep your eyes closed. With one swift vice-like pressure of your mouth, you break off a piece of pop-tart along with a portion of the bacon which still keeps itself attached to the rest of the slice with gooey strands that slowly snap as you start to crunch down on the mass of chocolate and bacon.


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