...and All is alright with the World.

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Is she holding something in her hands??????????

Rashers of bacon........ something that will never get crisp..... burned, or Carmelized, yes, but never crisp!
Alright, Gang...here's something that has all the key elements to tastebud bliss.

It's not my doing (or photo), but a friend's concoction (and photo). He calls it a Potato Bomb and when I asked for details, this is all I got:
Potato bomb!!
Stuffed with cheddar, jack, ham, garlic, and red pepper.
Wrapped in bacon and topped with sour cream.

Even though he was vague on the details, I think it's fairly easy to prep/cook and could be easily adjusted to individual taste.

Looks like I'll be giving it a try here soon!
Surely you jest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This, my friend, is an Island............. like Hawaii, there is NOTHING cheap here.
Old Jack Black label could be 60 bucks a bottle here, and not the magnums either!

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