...and All is alright with the World.

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I was really heavy into making wine and cheeses for awhile. Beer has always interested me but have never tried it. The whole grain mixtures have always fascinated me.
The thing is, if you make one that isn't quite right, you've got to drink it so that you can make another one!

Are you going to use a kit, or go 'all grain'?

It is a brewing kit, but you have to go through the whole process; hops, boil, wort, yeast, primary fermentation, secondary fermentation, etc, etc...

This is my first attempt. I will bottle too. That way I can start the next brew while I am drinking thr first.
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Ah, meade!
Many non-memories I have of the nectar of the gods!
There are few brews that can measure up to meade!
Sit down and toss back a few, then when you stand up.........
Bingo! A wonderful land of forgetfulness awaits you!
Soft and slow, it is a creeper into your mind.
And the next day is soft and slow, a couple of glasses of water, and you are none the worse for wear.
Be careful Chris!
A couple of friends started home-brewing beer a few years back (it used to be a very popular thing in the UK, back in the 1970's and '80's), just for fun.
They expanded into the garage of one of the guys, and started selling to a few local pubs. Now, about ten years later, they have a full brewery going, with a customer base right across the UK !!
Oh, and a couple of times a year, they have a brewery 'Open Night' - £15 per ticket, a tour of the brewery, and all the beer you can drink, with food included as well !
F*ck that.....if there's a (God forbid) bacon shortage, one word.....


Marinated in some tasty alcoholic beverages for 24 hours before BBQ.....

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