Another 'Davidson' for Bill....

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Those are "Novascale" decals, and have heard nothing good about them, just questionable at this point in time. Unsure of quality until someone comes up with the goods here.
And by This photo, credited to be D Davidson in the cockpit, it looks like a W at the back.
Don't know what the serial would be.

***Anything anybody see to indicate what model P-40 this is???


  • Taxi P-40 Dvdsn D 450 Sqdn _2.jpg
    Taxi P-40 Dvdsn D 450 Sqdn _2.jpg
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Looks like a P-40.....

Ok, ok, calm down, never heard English being abused like that before, no need for a language like that....geeez..! :lol:

Anyway, looking at the bottom of the windscreen, I'd say P-40N....
Do you have Flg. Off. J. Davidson, No. 3 Squadron RAAF, he downed a Ju 87 in Hurricane V7566 on 03/04/41.....?
Hmm, '41-'44 3 sqn flew the P-40 Kittyhawk, then the Mustang '44-'45...... blue tail, white southern cross.
Interesting, the serial is shown with 3 sqn and transferred out? But not the year.
That Hurricane served in 73 sqn in Africa in '41........................
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Hi Bill. 3 sqn flew hurricanes from Jan to May 1941, before that they flew Lysanders, gauntlets and gladiators in the Desert.

That's what I am finding out. The diary of Peter Turnbull 1940-41 in the desert is a bit confusing and has to be read carefully. Thanks for the help.
Sgt, No. 126 Squadron, F. Davidson, bailed out from EF569 coded X-Z on the 13/06/43...
Sgt, No. 126 Squadron, J. S. Davidson claimed two Bf 109's while flying JK522 coded MK-O, don't know what date though...
Nope, not them either. Turns out they are brothers.
Just to show what I've found so far.... and the 2sort list has more in it. There are only a few who were not pilots. Some Naval and Army officers and a couple of EM. Submariners and one RN Lt involved in Jaywick. Quite a list, never had any idea there would be so many, and still counting. Thanks to some of yous guys on the forum.0h gz


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Do you have this lad....
F/O J. T. Davidson, No. 137 Squadron, Manston.
Davidson, while flying a Mk. IV equipped with 40mm cannons, destroyed two trains, one at Cotemark and one at Statisrate in Belgium, 23/07/43, he was, unfortunately, shot down and killed by fire from a friendly fighter...

Don't have the code for the aircraft, but have the serial....KZ662.
Didn't have the circumstances. It was a ****Hurricane, Spitfire? It was August 14, 1943.
I'll have to look up the serial.

Thanks for that mate.
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Also found this in my Hurricane book...

Meanwhile the first CAM-ship scheduled to sail with an MSFU pilot had been made ready for catapult trials on the Clyde, and Plt Off H. J. Davidson, RAFVR, made the first launch from SS Empire Rainbow on the 31st of May, steaming downriver at some 10 knots. When the two of the rockets on the catapult failed to ignite, and the throttle lever edged back - reducing power - owing to the friction nut not being tightened, the Hurricane only barely escaped striking the water as Davidson struggled to gain airspeed. He eventually climbed away and landed safely at Abbotsinch, having also discovered that he'd forgotten to lower any flap for the launch. He nevertheless accompanied Empire Rainbow on her first voyage to Halifax as a CAM-ship, and was followed by Plt Off A. R. McL. Campbell in Empire Moon within a fortnight. By the of June six of the 35 CAM-ships had started sailing with the Atlantic convoys.

Just need to find the serial now.... ;) :lol:


Empire Rainbow
Empire Rainbow was a 6,942 GRT CAM ship which was built by Greenock Dockyard Co Ltd, Greenock. Launched on 27 December 1940 and completed in May 1941. Torpedoed on 26 July 1942 and sunk by U-607 at 47°08′N 42°57′W while a member of Convoy ON 113.
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