Another Lancaster to fly again.

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hedge hopper

Dec 26, 2012
The Lancaster Bomber (Just Jane) at Lincolnshires Aviation Heritage Centre is hoped to be made airworthy once again. Wonderful news !!
Good to hear. The guys at East Kirkby have been moving towards this for some years. Last I heard, around early 2012, it was that it was hoped to gain approval for first flight by the middle of this year, if all went to plan. Let's hope they are successful. A Lanc, operating from a partly restored, former WW2 Lanc base, will be quite something!
Not to pour cold water on this project but there are a number of significant hurdles that the brothers will have to overcome to get the Lanc airworthy and, more importantly, keep it airworthy. The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight faces huge challenges keeping their Lanc airworthy. I visited them a few years back and was given a tour by the Boss. His comment was that the Lanc "ate engines" and it was a real struggle keeping enough spares available. Their standard procedure was to remove an engine from a Hurricane or early Spit and slap it on the Lanc so the big bomber could keep its airshow dates. I really question how the boys up at East Kirkby, much though I admire all they've done (it's a fantastic place!), will manage to keep their Lanc flying, even assuming they can get to that stage. Irrespective, I really do wish them all the very best. I hope they prove me wrong - oh to have a 8, nay a dozen, Merlins flying in close formation!

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