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Wayne Little

Oct 7, 2006
Adelaide Sth. Aust.
Don't know if this is the right place or not....or if someone has posted elsewhere.....BUT!

To the ANZAC's and their Spirit....

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning
We will remember them.
Lest We Forget.

ANZAC Day 2008
The systemn here protects the guilty more than it protects the innocent. That is a basic flaw in our judicial systems. However having said that. To Aussies and Kiwis

Thanks Lucky. All jokes aside Aussies and Kiwis know on this forum that you like to banter with us. But we also know that you Lucky have great respect for the ANZACs from Australia and New Zealand
2 dawn parades this year, as an ex serviceman and current Voli Firefighter it was a source of pride to parade in NZFS uniform with my medals.

Later we had a couple of nasty callouts to attend which dampened the spirits a bit for some.

As I pointed out to them, "People never call us because they did something intelligent".

That got us all back on track.

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