ANZAC Weekend Display Down Under

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Jan 7, 2008
ANZAC Long Weekend

Hi All,

The ANZAC Day long weekend is shaping up to be a memorable one at the Temora Aviation Museum, NSW Australia.

In addition to the regular fantastic Temora flying display, there is a 'Forward Air Control' theme and the annual Australian Antique Aeroplane Association fly-in taking place. Upwards of 100 aircraft may be attending.

Temora Aviation Museum

If any of the Aussies out there can make it, it should be a 'goodie'.

I'll endeavour to post some photos after the event.


Hi Graeme,

I flew 'Bank Runs' out of Wagga in the 90s. Here's a shot of Uranquinty in the 50s when my Dad ferried some Tigers after his return from Korea.


One of you bloody Aussies better get down there and get some pictures! That looks like a good event. Mark my words, one day I plan on showing up at the Warbirds Over Wanaka show. I'll make a swing through as many of the aviation museums down that way while I am there too, including Temora.
Temora is high on my one day list but just brought twin girls home today and I dont think the missus would be impressed if I took off at the moment. You can fly there and back in one day from Bankstown airport in a DC3 so I want to do that when I do. I'm very jealous though.

I think it was a training base similar to Temora for the RAAF? From memory there is a RAAF memorial with a Wirraway propeller at a road rest stop in the township.

just brought twin girls home today and I dont think the missus would be impressed if I took off at the moment.

Congratulations chook!! Yeah, probably best to forget any excursions for the moment!...
With Graeme congrats Chook!

You can also fly up from Essendon Airport in a DC3 to Temora for a flying day. The way back is great as you get a trip over Melbourne at night I believe. Only $380 its not bad.

Certainly on my to do list. I wanna see that Spitfire Mk XVI spit
They all sound like great, nostalgic options.

If the weather improves here on the coast I'm hoping to fly to Temora. The weather out there has been fantastic, so it shapes for a great weekend.

Evangilder, I'll post some photos next week.


Thanks for congrats. All excursions(even ones to the shed) are being delayed at the moment but only one of the girls is a ratbag!
Hi All,

Well it was a great Saturday, though rain intervened on the Sunday. (We NEVER complain about rain in this beautiful brown land).

Here are some shots.




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