...all them 1/48 '109's, 190's, Spits, '51's, '47's and so on? Don't get me wrong, I love them birds just as much as the next bloke, oh aye! But sometimes it would be nice to see something different (Heck! If Tamiya can make the V1 in 1/48! How much did that one cost btw?) than those safe 'bankers'...
Come to think of it, different scale though, when Revell can make and sell the 1/32 He 217A-7 for £49.99 at Hannants and ask £127.50 for Tamiya's Mk. IXc and £140.00 for their Mk. VIII and XVIe, something is seriously wrong, nobody can possibly tell me, that Revell's '219 is that much worse or Tamiya's Spitfires that much better kit, right?
I sometimes get the feeling that only WWI and WWII exist in the minds of certain gentlemen, especially when it comes to the 1/48 scale, and it was fought in previous birds...no Hampdens, no Defiants, no Do 24's etc., etc...
...and don't get me started on airbase accessories...
So, please do tell me, why there's no 1/48 Hampdens, Halifaxes, Do 18's and Do 24's etc., etc., out there and I don't mean advanced ones with resin etc., but good ol' standard plastic injection ones...?
Would love to see He 115 in 1/48!
This is quite funny, since it seems that 1/48 and 1/32 plus 1/24 is growing!
Ok, rant over....time for my mediaction!