Are you or have you ever been in the Armed Forces?

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Yep, government cut-backs are cutting up to 9 regiments out of the Army to make up money for the poor Asylum Seekers!
It's a complete joke - and one thing that really sods me off is the English, or lack of. It should be a case that an applicant should learn English before we even look at the possibility of them staying here. And not just pidgin stuff either - up to conversational at least! Guess what though? Local councils around the country spend a fortune printing leaflets in 57 different languages!

Say what you want about the French, but I'll bet they don't do that. If you live in France, tough! Learn French or struggle! And that's fair enough in my book.
I do have respect of the French treatment of the muslims, actually. I'll give them that. It's live in France, live by French rules.
Yeah, and that's exactly they way it should be here. Don't like Christmas? Too bad!

You elected to come here! No one made you, and no one asked you. Deal with it or leave.
I he shows up, I'll delete all his freakin posts....... Then horse can ban him......

Heres and example of how this immigration thing is getting outta hand...

I was on a job site and the electricians were wiring up some of the overhead lighting.... I asked this one Mexican dude standing on a ladder if I could borrow his scissor lift........ He couldnt understand me.. Even when I used pidgin English and some Spanish, he was lost.. I had to resort to hand signals to get him to understand that I wanted to borrow his lift....


Americas stance on Illegal Immigration is probably my biggest political peeve.... Supposedly, Canada's situation is worse..... (Nonskim?)Something has got to be done about it..... Soon, or we're all screwed....
lesofprimus said:
Supposedly, Canada's situation is worse..... (Nonskim?)Something has got to be done about it..... Soon, or we're all screwed....

Ya had to get me started, les!

No but really, it is worse I think. Hey, we're Canada! "Got rejects and social garbage? Well look no further!"
If you mods want to delete this go ahead, but I'm gonna say what I think!

The shit heads wanna come here, fine! There's plenty of room in the goddam arctic!
By shit heads, ya know I mean rag heads, right?

Don't forget, in Canada we also have this long English/French feud that we still haven't fully worked out! Maestro knows what I'm talking about. It's just plain retarded! We're supposed to be a friggin' country, for God sakes!

(yeah, I'm drinkin'! )

Yeah, I know what you're on about.

But "here", in Québec, we are different ! We are socialo-nazi-perfect-and-muslims-lovers ! While, in the west, "they" are capitalist unfaithful ! We are sooooo different that, because of the (provincial) law 101, most Jews (90% English-speaking) felt the trap and withdrew to Ontario to start their companies in Toronto.

Then, around 1990, they abolished the law to "re-install" it around the year 2000 to clear the whole province of Québec from English.

Then, what's coming up ? The "psychologic Berlin wall" ! And they've already begun by cuting us one year off primary school around 30 years ago ! Now, if you want to go work in West-Canada, USA or UK, you need to complete one year of post-secondary school to match a Grade 12 certificate !

But why don't we change our Federal gouvernment ? The political balance is held by Québec and Ontario ! Québec always voted for the Bloc Québécois while Ontario always voted Liberal. Event if all West and East Canada counties united together and voted for the Corservators, they would not get elected because of the provinces of Québec and Ontario ! So, for 20 years now, the Liberal Party rule Canada with their mafiosi ministers.

Uh... ? Did I heard someone saying that our gouvernment isn't corrupted ?

So why did a newspaper (I think it was the National Post) prooved that ex-minister Gagliano was a made-man (not a wannabe, a MADE-MAN) of the Bonano family ?

Or why did the RCMP almost apologized to Prime Minister Paul Martin for seizing something like 300 kilos (not pounds, KILOS) of cocaine aboard a boat of the Canada Steamship Line, compagny originaly owned by Paul Martin but now sold to his son(s) ?

Or why did ALL Canadian Primes Ministers (Federal and Provincial) entered politic poor, and retired millionaires ?

And now, the CRTC is trying to close a radio station in Québec (CHOI 98.1 Radio X) because ministers (Federal and Provincial) don't like what Jeff Fillion says about them and their little comrades ! And other radio and T.V. stations ruled by GOD DAMNED ASS-LICKERS saying : "Oh, that's nice. They were saying bad things."

*Fall on my knees, looking up to the sky* Please, USA, invade us and anex us to set us free !
If I can bring in my $.02... Illegal immigration is not only draining our economy (In LA county alone last year, almost a billion dollars for education and services for those here ILLEGALLY), but it poses a major security risk. What REALLY pisses me off though is that we treat immigrants in this country better than our veterans!!!

I say we take all those damn DMV pamphlets that are in 40 different languages and burn them. Street signs are NOT in Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian or any other language/alphabet. They are in ENGLISH and so should the DMV manuals and driving test be.

Political correctness is another thing killing this country. People are so afraid of offending someone, they aren't thinking anymore. Thank God Governor Schwarzenegger called the tree in Sacramento a "Christmas Tree". The previous governor called it a "Holiday Tree". RUBBISH. I practice Judaism, and I am not offended by a Christmas tree, and I am not going to be fooled to think that it "represents" me because it is now called a "holiday tree". I understand that Christmas is a Christian holiday and they have as much right to celebrate it as I do to celebrate Hanukkah, or Rosh Hashana, etc. What ever happened to TOLERANCE?!?!

I agree with you. That's why they want to shut down CHOI 98.1 : they are not politicaly correct.

Here, if you're NOT ALL of the following :

- "100% French sources"
- Hate USA, English and Jews
- Socialist
- Separatist
- Catholic OR Muslism

You're NOT a real Québécois.

Me being from Danish "sources", loving USA, UK, West-Canada and Jews, being capitalist, federalist and Atheist... Well, I'm a Lone-Wolf.

Anyway, back on what I wanted to say about your post, Evan :

Political correctness is killing the society. We don't have the right to say anything. If you say something about a Black, you'll be told that you're a racist. If you say something about the controling gouvernment you'll be told that you are encouraging the Rebellion. If you say something about the laws you'll be told : "If you don't like it, get the f*ck to USA."
You're damn right, Evan!

One thing I like about America is that ideal of, "I do what I want!"

Lately, though, due to this political correctness sh*t, this ideal seems to have been pushed aside...

No one in high places has gotten there without offending someone, you gotta take risks to get somewhere, and risks offend more "rational" people!
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