Are you ready for some Football!

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Oh you mean Amercian Football.
That game where it isn't a ball and only one person can use their feet.

Does anyone know how it became to be called football!!
no not American football chics.....too honkin big on the front line, no, semi muscular European ladies playing soccer in the snow ........... fully on !
cripps i used to be quite the gunner but alas stopped following the football avidly a while back, i still like to see how the gunners are doing though!
Les is there a link to a site..... rules of American football?

Soccer update:
I see David Beckham has gone stateside. I only hope Galaxy is ready for his pouting wife too .
I would say the guy is a good footballer (soccer) but he played for Manchester United for many years (the team I hate with a passion), so I wont bother.

At Manchester City we have two american soccer players on our team and have had for a while.

I wouldnt have put you down as a gunner Lancs.
oh yes! they've gone downhill slightly recently though, they'll still beat the blues anyday though it was David Seaman that first got me interested in them i guess..........

and as for Galaxy i had a damn good chuccle at that, on the news they were speaking to an American sports reporter and he likened Galaxy, one of the top teams in America was comparable to Fulam or Wolves over here, neither of which are particularly amazing
Agreed anything is better than Chelsea. Yeah but the top teams in America are probably as good as Fulham or Wolves as they aren't great at all...

Oh and (now Cripps will hate me)...

they are working pretty hard to get the MSL to a higher level over here Toronto was just given a franchise and the owners are pretty proficient in sports team management as the own the NBA Toronto Raptors and the NHL Maple Leafs so its not a fly by night group and with the humoungus amount of of ethnic communities it should bode well for them
I am hearing two different versions of his contract for Beckham -

1) $250M for 5yrs including endorsements.

2) $250M for 4yrs including endorsements.

He'd be a horses fool to accept (1).
He needs the most he can get so that he can affored the damn spending of his wife who by the way needs to gain some weight. She has a damn eating problem. She is nasty skinny!!! I mean she looks like skin and bones and nothing else.

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