Attention Mr. Charles Cheeseman

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Dave...I hear ya man. Alot of things you can't avoid, but what I can I do... just don't trust FB and cohorts an inch. (-especially when the owners openly admit that they sell people's info to interested parties in relation to things 'liked', as Face-aches owners did 1-2 years back)
Charles you're brave to venture into a new Windows operating system as Microsoft has always offered beta versions and then they sit back and wait for users to find all the bugs and then the patches start coming. One of the worst holes in 10 is the Wi-Fi sharing feature which can open your computer to friends of friends of friends...
Actually I kinda enjoy getting those bogus scams. I call and string them on for as long as possible telling them to "take the money out of my prize" and asking them to repeat things over and over...
Then you should stop using Windows as well. They sell your data also to their "thrusted partners".
I don't doubt it Marcel. Like I said though, some things you can't avoid, and in this case the net is the only way I can buy models (closest model shop is 3 hours drive away), and things like this forum are also only available via Windows, so I'm stuck with it.

Like I said, I just avoid what I can, and in case of FB and co, I figure if someone wants to tell me something they will send me an e-mail (also tracked and logged somewhere no doubt)
Cheers Marcel! I know a few people who use it and swear by it too.
IIRC we did try to install it on the laptop once but various functions weren't compatible, so we had to go back to MS.
Ah, well the only thing I use that doesn't work on Linux is updating my satnav. Therefore I still have a dualboot with windows (I payed for the damn OS anyway). For the rest everything works fine in Linux (office, photo editing, internet etc.) don't need a antivirus and I can have a normal desktop unlike the stupid tiles etc.
Linux has come a long way since a few years. It's pretty good nowadays.

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