Greetings. I believe this is my fourth post. I usually just lurk. One of those people who always loved airplanes. BUT! a learning disability (diagnosed in my fifties) got in the way of the math and blueprint schematic chart stuff in most all aviation career tracts. I participated in NJROTC and CAP in high school. Loved both. I was XO of my NJROTC company. BUT! other health problems kept me from serving. So I did what any sane unhealthy person would do, I took up skydving and jumped from C-47's, Turbo Porters and Helio-Couriers that had patched bullet holes from Vietnam. Jumped from Shorts Skyvans, Beech 18's. Beaver (the slowest airplane ever) hot air balloons C-182's and UH-1's. Jumped for 12 years until I just could not afford it any more. Airplane stuff kicked me to side-
I always had an affinity for naval aviation, WWI airplanes, and THE GOLDEN AGE- be still my heart; F4B, F3F, P-12, P-26, Laird Super Solution, Mystery Ship, Meteor, Jimmy Doolittle, Roscoe Turner and all the rest. WWII, Korea, Cold War and Vietnam. Then there's the space program..... I love it all.
I always had an affinity for naval aviation, WWI airplanes, and THE GOLDEN AGE- be still my heart; F4B, F3F, P-12, P-26, Laird Super Solution, Mystery Ship, Meteor, Jimmy Doolittle, Roscoe Turner and all the rest. WWII, Korea, Cold War and Vietnam. Then there's the space program..... I love it all.