B-17 Vs Me262

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probably should not reply since the boy in question has been banned, but again I point out this was not an Me 262 attack, since who then was taking the gun cam film ? another Me 262A-1a ? think not.............

this discussion has been one of the funniest I have ever particpated in, the poster came in with an agenda and his side arms loaded but he didn't include enough ammo to take us on. Guess the staff wins again ..........
sys the kid came on here like he knew what he had and made a challenge in his second posting due to our remarks. The bailing out crew looks like debris to me as they would not have had time to get away from the carnage done to that drone if it would of been piloted by a crew. He did not have solid evidence and instead barked at our statements in a negative tone still refusing to give in that he had bogus film ......... well indeed if he was told he had a unique gun cam from an Me 262 he got : .............. ripped

[as usual some people think since they are anonymous on the internet
they can post insults whatever they think of...you are NOT anonymous,believe me,all original I.P. numbers are logged]

Holy crap.....is this tool actually threatening us? I am scared sh**less..........
Well well, look at this. This individual seems to think he can threaten me.

Here is what he tried to post on my website guestbook:

Wow, I am real scared. You see, dumbass, I live in a society where speaking your mind is legal, as do you. Calling me venomous is a laugh, you don't know squat about me, jerkoff. Now go play with your little friends, you obviously don't have the maturity to play nicely.
I'm trying to get a look at the clip that has everyone so worked up but for some reason media player doesn't want to play it - anyone else have this problem or can you provide an alternative url to the same clip?
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