B-24 Liberator Diorama - 1/48th Scale.

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Thanks again chaps.

Now that the steering column has been removed, I've had a closer look, and it appears that it will fit in the correct alignment, but I'll know more once the instrument panel bulkhead is in place.
Seems it was just the instruction sheet drawing that was at fault.
Trials and tribulations Terry, I often find instructions are incorrect with positioning or numbering, I often put it down to translation problems. Your doing well though a great deal of effort into the smaller attractions of this major build.
Thanks Vic.

Some progress, and a little set-back, but getting close to completing the trailer and tractor, as described below.

The "Clark" Tractor & ammo trailer - Part Three.

The steering column problem has been sorted. The mounting bracket was thinned slightly, and then attached to the bulkhead, a slightly fiddly, time-consuming exercise. The bulkhead was then slotted into position, before the cement on the steering column had fully set, and the base of the column aligned and cemented into the hole in the floor.
Once happy with the angle and fit, the bulkhead was secured by running TET around the lower joints.
Note that I got this kit without decals, so the instrument panel has just been painted and dry-brushed.
The tractor, and the wheels, have been "dirtied", and a little paint scuffing added, with the dirt colours corresponding to the surface colour intended for the diorama base, in this case, the concrete taxiway and dispersal hard stand. ( the taxi tracks and hard stands at Old Buckenham were / are a light, sandy-brown concrete colour).
Next step on the tractor is to fit the main body section, gear lever and hand brake, the seat, and front and rear panels.
The steering wheel, lamps and wheels will be fitted after the decals have been applied, in order to avoid damage when handling.

The trailer is almost complete, with the body, chassis and draw bar "dirtied" .The load bed has had some paint scuffing and dirt added, and the wheels have been fitted, after again adding some "dirt" to the tyres and rims.
Whilst fitting the wheels / axle, I had a slight mishap, when my hand slipped and the outer right side of the front horizontal laths snapped off !
I'm hoping that I can remove the broken laths without too much damage to the surrounding area, and then replace them and re-paint.
Once that's done, the tail lamp lenses will be painted, and the electrical cable added. I'm not sure about decals yet, as they probably won't settle into the "planking" very neatly, but I might have a try.
Once the trailer is totally completed, then the ammo load will be sorted and eventually placed onto the load bed.

Pics show the progress (and mishap !) so far, and I'll be back with another up-date soon.
Thanks again to all for the interest, comments and likes, and I was quite surprised to notice that there have been 8,000 views so far !!

Thanks, Wojtek and Vic.
Almost done.

The Clark Tractor & ammunition trailer - Part Four.

The repairs have been done to the trailer, with the damaged laths removed, and replaced with new plastic strip and painted.
The white, night visibility markings have been painted, along with the tail lamps, which just need a gloss coat.
I'll attempt to add some decals, but if they don't work, then no problem, as they'd hardly be seen anyway, due to their locations.
The electrical cable has still to be added, along with a little more dirt on the freshly-painted areas, then the ammo load can be sorted.

The "Clark" tractor is almost finished, with all major components assembled and painted, and will receive a gloss coat next, in the areas where decals will be applied. The rather small headlamps and tail lamp, as well as the steering wheel, will be fitted after applying the decals, to avoid damage during handling.
The rear tow hitch has yet to be altered slightly, in order to link with the trailer towing eye, as the kit part is moulded in the "locked" position, and this will be done, and then painted, once the decals are settled and sealed with a matt clear coat.
Although the front wheels can only be fitted in the neutral position, I managed to get them in place turned slightly to the right, to suit the "pose" when on the diorama base.
I'm hoping to complete this work probably tomorrow, an then start on the ammunition boxes and crates etc.
Pics show the progress to date ................

I'd thought maybe empty "Lucky Strike" packs, and a crumpled copy of "Yank" magazine !
But seriously, I'll probably add a jerry can or tool box, and maybe a coiled tow rope on the rear "shelf".
Thanks Geo.

Got the decals on both units last night, and should get the matt clear coat done tonight, so pics then.
I've worked out how to do the ammunition load for the trailer, using most of the "Plus Model" resin ammo boxes (two or three will be stacked near the aircraft), and some cases from a Tamiya tank ammo and accessories kit, which will be made to look like further ammo boxes and smoke marker cases.
Thanks Hugh.

Apologies for the lack of up-date and pics. My hands were too stiff and tender to hold the camera properly.
I'll get the pics done and posted later today.
As promised, the latest up-date pics, with the decals and matt clear coat applied to the tractor and trailer.
The serial numbers were made up from individual characters from the 1/56th scale Rubicon Models sheets, and the stars and "USA" were also from this source, whilst the "2AD" Divisional marking was made up from the Railtec decals. The small numbers were quite a challenge to apply, and there's a slight mis-alignment here and there, but not really noticeable to the naked eye.
I have yet to tone-down the decals a little, and finish work on altering the tractor's tow hitch, and the lamps and steering wheel will be fitted once this has been done.
A couple of small detail items have yet to be added to the tractor, possibly a tow rope, draped over the front panel, and a jerry can and a pack of some kind, or maybe a tool box.

I've started separating the "Plus Model" resin ammo boxes from their casting blocks, which is taking some time as the blocks are as big as the boxes, and also commenced work on the Tamiya panzer ammo crates, and hope to get these completed and loaded onto the trailer over the weekend.

Thanks again for following this build, and I'll be back soon, hopefully with the first stage of the B-24 ....................


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