B-25 weapons thread

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I cannot help feeling that that is a trial shot. The aircraft is too clean looking and I find it hard to believe that you would rely on a couple of cables to hold it in place in combat. Just doesn't feel right
There were 4 Army B-26 aircraft quickly modified to carry Navy Mk13 torpedos at the start of the Battle of Midway. Two made through the Japanese defenses, none scored a hit.

You can be sure that these quick modifications didn't look "pretty"...
B-25C with a modified side gunner position. Jan may get a kick out of its name
Second picture is a close up of a modification that was done.

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The following where provided by Tracker on the message board in another thread. I am adding here so it does not get lost. Again many thanks to Tracker for the bomb layouts for the B-25J.


  • B25J-1 Bomb Loading - Wing.pdf
    2.3 MB · Views: 249
  • B25J-1 Bomb Loading Chart.pdf
    6 MB · Views: 396

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