Beaufighter Mk.IC 30Sqdn RAAF - Unofficial GB

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Master Sergeant
Username: Ozhawk40
First name: Peter
Category: Classified
Scale: 1:48
Manufacturer: Tamiya
Model Type: Bristol Beaufighter 1C
Details: 30 Squadron, Wards Strip, New Guinea, 1942
Aircraft Assignment: TBC
Accessories: Eduard Masks, True Details Cockpit, CMK Beaufighter 1F Conversion set
Decals: Custom

Who could resist this opportunity! Several months ago I scored the Beau on ebay with the cockpit and masks included, (as well as some resin wheels I can't use for this version) for cheap. All good. I 'invested' in the CMK conversion because it provides the flat rear horizontal stabilizers, proper wheels and some etch that will be useful for this build.

It was also a bit fortuitous that around the same time as this GB was mooted, some new old photos turned up at the local aviation museum that confirmed the id of an aircraft that previously was only known about because of a close up of the nose art in the photo collection of the Australian War Memorial. Call it destiny, but I just had to do this one. I'm still looking into details, but I'm sure I'll be able to provide more details later.

Well, I'm looking forward to this build, so I'll get stuck in very soon!




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Smells great.

Ummm... thanks Wojtek. I think! I'll let you know when I crack open the CA. Wink, Wink, Nudge, Nudge ......

Ah anyways moving right along, here's some photos that have turned up, all care of the Aviation Heritage Museum of Western Australia.

Three were taken at the time of it's crash landing and another I think sometime beforehand.




  • Beaufighter Ic A19-27 H Wards Strip June 1943 - resized.jpg
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  • Beaufighter Ic A19-27 H Nose art port side Wards Strip- resized.jpg
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  • Beaufighter Ic A19-27 H starboard side name Pandemonium - resized.jpg
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  • Beaufighter Ic A19-27 H Wards Strip 7 6 1943 - resized 001.jpg
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