Beaufighter Mk.XXI 93Sqdn RAAF - Unofficial GB

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ok heres my entry for an Unofficial Beaufighter Group Build

Beaufighter MkXXI A8-120 "Barren Joey" 93Sqdn RAAF

User Name: rochie
Name: Karl
Category: intermediate
Kit: Tamiya


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i'll be leaning heavilly on Ozhawks Heavy Hitters GB thread of a 93 Sqdn MkXXI Beaufighter for this build
progress so far.

i forgot to take any pictures before i closed up the fuselage, suffice to say i used all the kit parts but i did cut the bulkhead out as MkXXI's didnt have it (thanks Peter)

cheers fellas.

have been messing with this one since new years day as i've been off work since then along with the Hellcat !

Peter, your thread will be a massive help so thanks in advance and also thanks for the decals as well !!!!

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