cheddar cheese
Major General
BombTaxi said:Hi all!
My vote on this would be the Ju88. It was deployed in an extraordinary range of roles, yet never became obsolecent like the Bf110. Furthermore, it was well-proven in each role:as a bomber from 1939 onwards, as a nightfighter, it saw service almost nightly from its introduction in 1944, and as an anti-shipping a/c, it served well throught the war, on all fronts.
On the other hand, the Mossie NF only entered service after the worst German night raids were over, and so was never proven as thouroughly as the 88. As GrG mentioned, the big-gun anti-shipping version operated in only small numbers. The only roles the Mossie was fully proven in were light bomber and recon machine. So while it can be argued that it was a better aircraft than the 88, it doesnt have such an extensive combat record behind it.
As for the P38, it really was too limited in its deployment. It was used more-or-less exclusively fas a fighter-bomber or photo recon machine. It never served as a bomber, tank-buster or night-fighter, making it hard to put in the same league as the Mossie or Ju88.
Just my 0.02 8)
The P-38 was used as a bomber - there was a special "Droop Snoot" version used specifically for this. It would carry maximum payload whilst being escorted by Regular P-38J's/L's carry smaller bombs. It proved very effective.
It also did see service as a nightfighter - albeit very briefly. About 60 or so were deployed in the role in the dying days of the war and I think scored a few kills.