Had the Spitfire been the sole interceptor of the Battle of Britain it would have dealt with the Luftwaffe more efficiently that the Hurricane. Let's just say that the Spitfire would have been in lesser numbers than the combination of the Hurricane and Spitfire. They both began life in 1936 and were put into production not so soon after.
In reality, what was it? Thirty-two Hurricane squadrons and nineteen Spitfire squadrons? That's fifty-one squadrons. Let's just say if only the Spitfire had been built from 1937 onwards there were 45 squadrons, the Spitfire was a more efficient killing machine and could make up the loss in squadron strength. Hell, who's to say the RAF wouldn't send over four Spitfire squadrons (instead of Hurricane squadrons) to France which would cause more damage? And the Luftwaffe would have been no bigger ...they were producing planes at a leisurely rate, as a opposed to the war rate of Great Britain.
If we're being specific of theatre. What could have replaced the Zero in 1941 for the Pacific? What could have replaced the La-7 on the Eastern Front? What could have replaced the Spitfire in Africa? What could have replaced the Fw-190A in 1942, France?
I think we're all agreed that the P-51 was a remarkable machine and was probably the best escort fighter of the war from an economic point of view. It was above average and cheap.
And I think you're being a bit excessive with the Panther versus Tiger production. The Panther was still complicated and the most accepted figure is 2:1, but I will give 3:1. Ten for one, never use, it's over the top.
In reality, what was it? Thirty-two Hurricane squadrons and nineteen Spitfire squadrons? That's fifty-one squadrons. Let's just say if only the Spitfire had been built from 1937 onwards there were 45 squadrons, the Spitfire was a more efficient killing machine and could make up the loss in squadron strength. Hell, who's to say the RAF wouldn't send over four Spitfire squadrons (instead of Hurricane squadrons) to France which would cause more damage? And the Luftwaffe would have been no bigger ...they were producing planes at a leisurely rate, as a opposed to the war rate of Great Britain.
If we're being specific of theatre. What could have replaced the Zero in 1941 for the Pacific? What could have replaced the La-7 on the Eastern Front? What could have replaced the Spitfire in Africa? What could have replaced the Fw-190A in 1942, France?
I think we're all agreed that the P-51 was a remarkable machine and was probably the best escort fighter of the war from an economic point of view. It was above average and cheap.
And I think you're being a bit excessive with the Panther versus Tiger production. The Panther was still complicated and the most accepted figure is 2:1, but I will give 3:1. Ten for one, never use, it's over the top.