best fighter of the 50s

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Got info on Sabre vs. Hunter during India/ Pakistan conflicts...

According to the site ACIG, theses are the numbers...

PAF Sabres

12 confirmed kills
15 claimed/ unconfirmed

IAF Hunters

15 confirmed
5 claimed/ unconfirmed
FJ comparing the figs I have the F86 claimed the following aircraft.
5 x SU7
6 x Hunter
1 x Mil 8
1 x Gnat
1 x Krishak (army AOP plane)
1 x Mig 21

I am afraid that my sources on the IAF are more vauge. They talk about X planes brought down by IAF fighters but don't tell you by what.

Gnats seem to have done very well claiming at least one Mirage and a number of other planes when outnumbered.
The unfortunate thing about my pick is that 6 were made 5 destroyed. The Avro Arrow was the best plane in the 50's hands down nobody can deny that fact. It was so good that Eisenhower was scared poopless of it and cohorced our PM to erase it from Canada's air force. :evil:


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Supraman said:
The unfortunate thing about my pick is that 6 were made 5 destroyed. The Avro Arrow was the best plane in the 50's hands down nobody can deny that fact. It was so good that Eisenhower was scared poopless of it and cohorced our PM to erase it from Canada's air force. :evil:

The Arrow was indeed a great aircraft that didn't reach it's potential, but it had many teething problems, cost over runs and was quickly outclassed. Based on evidence in other threads it would of not been a good dog fighter and something like an F-5 would of had it for lunch. Don't give me that crap about Eisenhower influencing it's demise, that decision was made by the Diefenbaker Government and only those responsible for its demise are responsible for the mass exodus of skilled aerospace workers to the US in the 1960s. You need to get educated because you're holding on to a myth! Blame USA, a Canadian SOP! :rolleyes:
Evans, your correct. If it was that good, one of the US airframe manufactorers would build it on liscence.

In my opinion, it was killed because of the cost, and the changing strategy of the cold war.
Supraman said:
The unfortunate thing about my pick is that 6 were made 5 destroyed. The Avro Arrow was the best plane in the 50's hands down nobody can deny that fact. It was so good that Eisenhower was scared poopless of it and cohorced our PM to erase it from Canada's air force. :evil:
Christ, another one. :rolleyes:
Do you honestly believe that crap? Nobody killed the Arrow except John Diefenbaker. This US conspiracy garbage is really starting to wear pretty thin. We killed the Arrow, not the United States. I've seen the theories, and read some interesting "expert" testimonial on why the project was axed, but let's be sensible here. It was falling way behind schedule, it was running into development problems, and it was just too damn expensive. That's all.

I wish people who make these brazen claims would come on here with something like proof. :rolleyes:
Why would the US fear us of all people? They were willing to give us nukes, for Christ's sake.
MiG-15 I reckon. One of those truely amazing applications of German Technology into a new fighter (even if the Soviets deny it). There are just too many similarities for a coincidence and the look of the aircraft gives away its potential inspiration.
The Mig-15 was a great aircraft in as much, it was simple. As good as the areodynamics applied into were, it's slow speed handling was poor, the thing snakes on landing. The 86 was much more complex but yet more stable. Even though the Korean War Totals are inaccurate, the 86 walked away with at least a 4 to 1 kill ratio over the Mig-15. Over Taiwan it didn't fare much better especially when Taiwan were given early Sidewinders.

The F-86 shot down Mig-21s during India/ Pakistan clashes....
Supraman said:
The unfortunate thing about my pick is that 6 were made 5 destroyed. The Avro Arrow was the best plane in the 50's hands down nobody can deny that fact. It was so good that Eisenhower was scared poopless of it and cohorced our PM to erase it from Canada's air force. :evil:

You keep telling yourself that. The Sabre and the Mig-15 were better in my opinion.

Oh and please take your anti americanism someplace else or atleast use the Polotics threads. This thread is not for bashing other nations it is about talking about aircraft.
Not bashing thre Arrow - I think it WOULD OF made a great aircraft. Bottom line the US as as much responsible for it's demise as for the cancellation of the TRS.2...

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