Best tank killer aircraft of WW2 Part I (1 Viewer)

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It's the name. Like Sturmovik is the name, but Flying Tank and Concrete Plane were the nicknames.
"Stuka" is a nickname. As I'm sure you know, it's an abbreviation of the German word for divebomber. Try "stuka" and "nickname" in google:

The fact that the Ju87 was nicknamed, essentially, "The Divebomber", was kinda of cool, I reckon.
Did you click on the link? It's a nickname, okay?

Anyway, it's hardly relevant, Sorry I swallowed the bait about the nickame stuff... On to better things...
Stuka - Sturmkampf flieger

And Ilyushin Il-2 Sturmovik was tough plane, but easy to shot down as it had only its armour for "defence". An improved version Il-2m3 equipped with 12,7mm machinegun and a rear gunner was in my opinion the best assault aircraft.
Ju 87G-1 Stuka, nick name (Kanonvögel) or a/c armed with the long rods...........

wait for Martin Peggs reference on this a/c..........Ju 87 from Classic pubs somewhere in the future. should be like his epic Hs 129 book thick and wonderful, a good read and must have !
Erich said:
Ju 87G-1 Stuka, nick name (Kanonvögel) or a/c armed with the long rods

These 37mm guns were really deadly. Hans Ulrich Rudel scored about 400 (?) tanks using them.
Erich said:
...wait for Martin Peggs reference on this a/c..........Ju 87 from Classic pubs somewhere in the future. should be like his epic Hs 129 book thick and wonderful, a good read and must have !

And I'd buy that. It's really hard to find a good book about the Stuka for its whole career. There are books about squadrons, and Rudel's book of course, but apart from that...
This Martin Peggs, has he done many books? Or just one on the Hs-129?
Those 37mm cannons were deadly, thing being the Sturmovik had the same calibre cannons. The Hurricane IIC, IID or IV had two 40mm cannon.
plan_D said:
... Those 37mm cannons were deadly, thing being the Sturmovik had the same calibre cannons...

Some of them did, but not many. The majority of Il-2s had twin 20mms.
23mm cannons could rip open almost any kind of Panzer, so the ones without the 37mm cannons would have been alright in combat anyway. Plus the fact those with just the 23mm most likely had rockets and bombs.
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