Best World War II Aircraft?

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Spare me jesus have to get out and look around the UK made some good stuff but more of dubious quality\
lets see if I get this right
Spitfire best fighter
Lancaster best bomber
Mosquito best all round aircraft
Argosy best transport
Shackleton best ASW
Magister best trainer
Sunderland best flying boat
Hunter/Lightning the acme of aircraft
Vulcan best strategic bomber
BAC 111 best airliner
BAE 146 best short haul
did I miss any?
I was commenting on the best thing to come out of the war in terms of aviation. The jet engine was quite influential. And flyboy needed taking down a peg.

British, Germans, and Italians all made significant advancements in the jet engine. Germans had them operational in an A/C before the Brits. I think you may have misinterpreted FBJ...
British, Germans, and Italians all made significant advancements in the jet engine. Germans had them operational in an A/C before the Brits. I think you may have misinterpreted FBJ...
It's always the same.
1. Europeans Invent
2. Americans realize potential
3. Americans mass-market invention
4. Americans make money
5. Europeans try and sell product but fail because of US competition.

As for the jet engine, the original, first, modern design was british- you can't deny that.

That's just A design i found for a jet engine on the net
what navigation aides do they use in britain that are superior to ours? I was under the impression that navaids are generally standard internationally.

They are. They are standard anywhere you go so that any plane from any country can use them. I have flown all over Europe and have never noticed anything different.
Also, us brits came up with the jet engine your great boeings sport daily flyboy

Not really. At the same time, the Germans were developing one as well and they were the first to operationaly use a jet engine. So you dont get all the credit.

If you really want to go into depth. The first jet engine was built in 1910 by a Romanian named Henri Coandă and built into the the Coandă-1910. It was called a Thermojet and was a hybid between jet and propellor proppelled aircraft. The aircraft only briefly took to the air and crashed on December 16, 1910.

Frank Whittle from England and Hans von Ohain from Germany started designing there "real" jet engines about the same time in the 1930s. Whittles first engine was first started in 1937 and Ohains only 5 months later.

On Aug 27, 1939 the first Germans flew the first jet powered aircraft the He-178. The He-178 was the first Jet powered aircraft. Whittle Jet engine was first flown in an aircraft in 1941 in the Gloster E28/39.

So the Brits only get half credit.

Cry me a river...

Oh and read my post above about the jet engines. The Germans and the British were testing there jet engines at the same time...again you get only half credit.
More to fighting a war than the fighters....
But this is your opinion.
Ok, I didn't do enough baground checks on the jet engine, but now you're online-
The C-47
Look, it made some impact on the ground, but what about german cargo planes? Vote for the infantry on another site, man, but just because the infantry perform well dosen't mean the plane that crarries the is the best plane in the war.
That's like saying Michael Shumaccer (probably spelt that wrong) is (was) good because of the car he drove. It was a contributing factor, but not neccisarily the most definitive one.
The C47/DC3 is still flying in great numbers and probably still being used by some militarys wheras its hard to find a JU52 or any of its brothers


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The post above me is about the dumbest sh!t next to this mereel kid....

U actually think all the C-47 did was carry troops??? GO back and read all 11 pages and learn something 757....
freemeatball757 said:
Vote for the infantry on another site, man
This is our site fu*kbutter, so keep ur smartass comments and little jabs to urself and ur little sister...

And a word of advice, dont bicker with a Moderator, u will lose embarrasingly...
The C-47
Look, it made some impact on the ground, but what about german cargo planes? Vote for the infantry on another site, man, but just because the infantry perform well dosen't mean the plane that crarries the is the best plane in the war.

The C-47 carried more cargo, supported more operations and did more supply runs than any cargo or transport aircraft of the War. The Aircraft is still in wide spread use today.

Again there is more to winning a war than the fighters.

Freemind said:
That's like saying Michael Shumaccer (probably spelt that wrong) is (was) good because of the car he drove. It was a contributing factor, but not neccisarily the most definitive one.

Who cares about him Schumacher is an arrogant prick.
Vote for the infantry on another site, man, but just because the infantry perform well dosen't mean the plane that crarries the is the best plane in the war.

Do you really think that is all the C-47 did was carry troops. If so you need to learn your history and more about aviation!

Secondly as Les has allready pointed out. I am a mod at his site, I dont need to vote about anything in any other site other this one.

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