Best World War II Aircraft?

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If by the best aircraft of WW2 you are talking about the most effective or deadliest, my vote would go to the various models of the BF109. Surely it must have been responsible for more air to air kills and more deaths of enemy combatants than any other aircraft in history.
Sh*t is this still going on? I thought most of the people have noticed by now the best aircraft of WW2.

I know - It seems they think the only aircraft type that flew during WW2 were fighters, probably due too much testosterone clouding their judgment.
I bet my LIFE that a Zero could outrun and shoot down a P-40.The Zero had a faster climb rate,better firepower,and higher speed.
I bet my LIFE that a Zero could outrun and shoot down a P-40.The Zero had a faster climb rate,better firepower,and higher speed.
Kid, I'm going to put it lightly - you need to read some more posts here, do some more research and really study aircraft and WW2, in other words you need to pull your head out of your @ss..

I seriously DO study ww2 aircraft!Studying them for 6 years!And I know for a FACT that Zeros do kick @$$!

Dont triple post anymore.. I combined all 3 of ur posts and look what it amounted to.... If ur 11 years old, u started studying them when u were 5???

Zeros did kick @ss, for the first year and a half or so of the War, against the untrained and poorly armed... Then tactics and better Allied aircraft evened the score.... The Zero was a dogfighter at lower speeds.... Higher speeds rendered the Zeros attributes moot....

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