With that pic in the salvage yard, I'd tend to agree, and when I first saw it some time ago, I revised my thinking, which was based on the old information mentioned previously. However, in one particular print I saw, in the series showing it still in the field in Kent, the spinner colours showed a different tone, and also had the 'shine' evident in the pic from the salvage yard. This made me think it was relatively fresh paint, which might account for it looking black in some pics.
But, bear in mind I'm basing my analysis on the info in that book from years ago, where it mentioned that, despite previous descriptions, the spinner was red and white. I haven't found any info, over the years, to confirm this, and the use of black and white would tie in with the colours of the unit's gyron shield under the cockpit, plus, in a clear shot in the salvage yard, shown in the Jagdwaffe books, it does look more black than red.
I think nowadays, if I was doing von Werra's kite, I'd go with black.( Despite the fact I'm sure I've seen a colour pic at some time, of another '109, with red and white.) I've also just remembered, I have a model of another JG3 machine, built some years back, where I painted the spinner black and white, based on photos, profiles and information that this was a Geschwader scheme !
Finaly Cory, I'm having problems with 'Windows Hotmail' since they 'improved' it a few days ago, and I can't open or send e-mails at the moment ! Don't know how to solve it, but, when I have, I'll get the other pics and the articles to you.