BF 110 G2 itallerie conversion. 1/72

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Great work Ron. If you can let me know what you need in the way of pictures or colour profiles for a G2, I'll know what to look for, and get something posted.
another (workaholic) modelholic. I always like it when a mediocre kit is tuned up to look as good as the expensive ones. Great modelling!
Sorry for the delay but here are some progress pics bout what i have done so far.

Landing gear scratch made.

Next job was to fix the wings whit pannellines and rivvits.

Note the landing gear bay is scratched, more detaille added later.

For the refference i used this book it also came whit decals

Next job was the engine bays they where not correct so i had to adjust them.

Landing gear almost finished

This is how the engine looks now muts beter in my opinion.

Next job was the Props they where not correct as the version iam making is the G2, the props on this plane are muts bigger then the ones that are in the kit.
So i made some myself.

This is the second set i made the first ones didint seem correct.
these are the old props i dident use, as you can c there are no round holes in the spinners and the new ones do.

This was the update so far iam bussy whit a groupbuild spanishcivilwar so this project is on hold for a while, so it will be a while for the next update.
PS my english is not that good as you can c sorry for that, iam learning.

Ron, that's absolutely amazing. Your scratchbuilding work is top notch man.

Watch those Kagero references and make sure the profile you're going to build is backed up by photos. Don't believe the captions. I bought the axact same two books because they included decals but found that the profiles mixed up the variants and that many of the picture captions were bogus.

Great build though and looking forward to seeing more.
Thanx allot guys, but iam still learning new stuff whit this hobby that is whats great about it i think.


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