Back to the Vikings, what we do know to be factual is that in 985 Bjarni Herjolfsson was part of a 25 ship fleet bring settlers to Greenland. He was blown off course, sailed three days west and discovered land. He repeated this tale to Lief Ericson.
Lief sailed with 35 men from Greenland and discovered 3 new lands, Helluland (land of flat stones) believed to be Baffin Island;
Markland (Land of forests) somewhere along the coast of Labrador and finally in 1001 Vinland (Land of wine or today meadows) located somewhere south of Markland and today believed to be the discovered Norse settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows at the northernmost tip of Newfoundland.
Lief stayed 2 years and returned to greenland.
In 1004 Thorvald Lief's brother returned picked a fight with local Indians and was killed by an arrow. the norsemen stayed another year and returned to greenland in 1005
In 1006, Thorstein another brother returned to retreive his brothers body and left that summer
In 1010 Thorfinn Karlsefni put together 3 ships and 160 settlers and returned to Liefs camp.