Bone Yard Art

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Tech Sergeant
Mar 8, 2009
Riverside, California
After going to museums and air shows etc. for a few years, I never seemed to have paid any attention to those unlucky proud birds that sit in the bone yards of museums and junk yards. Saturday I wandered through the old derelict planes at the Planes of Fame and decided to take some shots of the decay and rust eating away at these once proud birds.

I posted a few shots, anyone who has some pictures of old rusted paint scrapped peeled planes be my guest to post if you like. Cheers.


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Neat pictures and cool idea, Merv.

Chino airport always had the cool stuff sitting around. Back when I was a kid, they had old movie props, retired commercial jobs and military surplus rigs sitting all over along the western edge of the field by the old Quonset huts (and an old residence, if memory serves right).

A kid could have had a field day out there exploring...wait, I did!! :lol:
Sounds like you had a great time Dave exploring the aviation grave yards :D I'll do a lot more digging the next time I go, I imagine it's a lot harder to explore now with all the security. .
Sounds like you had a great time Dave exploring the aviation grave yards :D I'll do a lot more digging the next time I go, I imagine it's a lot harder to explore now with all the security. .
It was a real hoot, indeed. But back then, the world was a little bit different and there was no security. There used to be an entrance on the road along the western edge. This was a former military gate and the old shack was still there, peeling paint and all...
Thanks Chris, I don't know how I missed that, all great shots. Pictures of old rusty cars are fantastic. I'll have to keep my eyes open for them.

Thanks Hugh, greatly appreciated.
Old A-7 Vought Corsair and the folding wing of a F7F Tigercat. Thanks Dave for the correction on the Corsair


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    F7F Tigercat folding wing assembly.jpg
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  • Vought Crusader  FBU 1.jpg
    Vought Crusader FBU 1.jpg
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