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Interesting images, any idea where they were taken? I noticed the B-24s in the background.
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Interesting images, any idea where they were taken? I noticed the B-24s in the background.
The seller on ebay says that these photos belonged to a crew member from the 450-th BG. The latter was stationed at Manduria, Italy. On the photo with the Beaufighter # 161 there is a very characteristic camouflaged hangar building. I believe I've seen this building before:

The photo above shows the opposite side of the hangar compared to the first photo - see position of tower. This is Manduria.
This photo is from the amazing site of the 450-th BG. Memorial Association. There is so much information there - one needs months to go through every single detail, photo or story. Highly recommended!

Excellent, thanks for the info. If you click on the ebay link there are a number of aircraft photographed linked to it, a Spitfire and Mustang included.

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Well, I guess that makes sense. The Rufe was highly maneuverable bit was slower than the Beau. A P-39 managed to shoot down a couple with only the 37MM gun working. And the KI-45 had about the same speed as a Beau and probably was about as maneuverable.

Beaufighters were used as escorts for maritime strike aircraft and convoys but that was far enough out over the ocean that the worst opponent they could expect was a Ju88.
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