Thank you Glenn. He smoked the clutch trying to back up the hill and had to get his other semi tractor, a 379 Pete to pull it home. He said he should have left it at home but liked having it out to much.
Nice ones! Narrow depth of field at f/1.4 or even at f/2.8 are to be expected. Set yourself up on a tripod, and run through the range of f/stop settings on the same subject. This is a great way to get an idea of what your DOF will look like at different settings.
Thank you Eric and Hugh, I didn't realize but there is a reflection of the herring's wing on the water below it to that sticks out once noticed. At least for me anyhow. My eye gets drawn to rather quick now. Kind of annoying.
Great the big fishers, like Herons and Cranes!
One of these days, I'll have to make a point of heading back east to that country for a looks so dang peaceful from what I've seen in your photos
I went back to White Top Mt. today. There were absolutely no clouds but the humidity was just high enough to be troublesome. Oh, and I cleaned my sensor myself and instead of over 20 dirt specs, I now only have one. A friend loaned me their sensor cleaning kit and showed me how to use it. Now I just need borrow it again and finish the job. First shot is a pan of six photos, and second shot I took just see what it would turn out like, I kinda like it. Let me know what your opinions are please and thanks for looking in and critiquing and putting up with me.