Brooks' Photos

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Thanks guys, these are the best shots I have taken at a airshow, PERIOD. I found out something about my XSi Rebel though. the small processor in it does not like the big lense. When blown up to full size, the image becomes pixalated, like it was shot at 800 ISO. All of these were shot at 200, my lowest setting on this frame. I may try noise reduction in PhotoShop and see if that helps. But I am REALLY happy with the 1100 shots. Over 60% of them are useable, and that's saying something. I have ordered a new camera and it should be in next Wed. I am glad you guys like the shots to. I had a corner of the tarmac all to myself. No one bothered me or got in my way so I could pull Karl's line.
Aaron, what are your file settings?

There's different settings for file recording and then there's different levels for file quality. I have my Pentaxes set to save in RAW format, which is the highest level of file quality: no compression, what you see is what you get.

With the JPG format, there's usually a JPG Recorded Pixels option that is adjustable from 16Mb (typically) on down, then there's a JPG Quality setting in addition to that. The lower the quality, the "noisier" the image file gets.

If you save to a JPG format, there will be compression, which will degrade the image quality. Then running the file through an image program (photoshop, lightroom, CS, etc.) will add a margin of degradation.

Like I said, I shoot in RAW (PEF for Pentax) and then "extract" a JPG file from the RAW for processing, leaving the RAW untouched and archived. When I post a JPG here or at FB, you're seeing an extracted (and resized) copy.
Merv, I order the 6D. Same processor, just not all the bells and whistles as 5DIII, just not 3,500 dollar price tag. Dave, I am shooting in RAW also, and 200 ISO, which is the lowest ISO setting for the XSi. I have the noise reduction on also. Not sure what's going on unless the processor is getting tired.
I'm with Merv on the congrats to your new addition!

As far as the noise is concerned, that's really odd. It is entirely possible there's an internal issue, though not too common. These DSLR cameras are pretty reliable...have you tried a different lens to see if the problem is consistant or just present with that lens only?
Some Nice shots Aaron of the airshow and the sunset been a few beauty's here along the coast of late.Sunday evening about 5:30PM I was driving over what is called Popp's Ferry Bridge/Back Bay water was slick as glass Sun setting red/orange sky to the W and darkness to my E with a half moon shining bright.It was like the sky above the bridge went from dark to dark blue and the water to my W(heading S) took the colors of the sunset.I seriously looked hard to see if the moon reflected itself in the water to the W of the bridge but just could not stop.You Sir could of captured something of that beauty quite easily.
A couple of very nice shots! That second one looks quite a bit like a few that I have captured over the the contrast of the reds/oranges against the grays!

With the volcanic eruption in Iceland recently, we should be in store for some real beauties in the way of sunsets and sunrises this winter...keep a camera handy just in case!

...GrauGiest is the cloud king though. You will will have to take a gander at some of his photos to.
Thanks Aaron...I am just real fortunate to be in an area that has so many photo ops. I just need to get back out and do more shutter work in the area like you do around the Creeper trail
Thank guys, I really appreciate. I got my new camera today. Not sure when I'll get the chance to use it though, I have a carry permit class on Saturday, and it's all day and Sunday I have to work on the Jeep. Finishing up repairs after my little wreck.

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