Brooks' Photos

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Thank you VB.:oops:
Awesome shots with a nice camera and your great skill!
Thank you Shinpachi.:oops: I did something today that I have not done much of. I made myself focus the camera manually for most of the day. I missed a lot of shots but the ones I did get came out a lot better.:oops:
Brilliantly captured again Aaron

:hotsun: :hotsun:
Thank you Vic.:oops:
Quite simply...:thumbright:
Thank you Gary.:oops: I haven't heard from you or seen you on the forum in a while. Hope all's well sir.:)
Fantastic shots, all Calendar quality. :D :shock: :shock: Love the road shot with the bench on the right and the sun shot. You never cease to amaze me.
Thank you Merv.:oops: I like the trail shot to. The other shot is actually the moon. I do realize that it does look like the sun. My camera had a mind of it's own last night. I had the shutter speed at 1/8 and the F-stop at 5.0 with the mirror lock on and the shutter stayed open for 65 seconds. Go figure. I screwed up somewhere but got a great effect from it. Who knew?:rolleyes: :)

Again I thank you all for taking the time to browse and critique my photos.
Great shots Aaron. Lori and I are dying to take a tek back down the creeper trail...soon!
We were down Abingdon way this past weekend for the Plumb Alley yard sale...and i had never seen the vertical cave in back of the Cave House, off mainstreet. that looked pretty neat; damned dangerous to play in I imagine, but still neat.
man....I love that squirrel shot on the fence rail...Top shot Aaron!!
Thank you Wayne. I shocked me how well that turned out. I was about 200 ft. from the little squirt when I took the shot.
Well done! Those are real nice, Aaron!
Thank you Eric. I was always under the impression that the camera could focus better than I could. Hopefully it's not beginners luck with the manual focus.

You should have let me know. I had my dad out and about in it at the small tractor show at the Southern States store.
You scored some excellent shots there, Aaron!

Man, the Squirrel on the fence rail is an outstanding shot!!

And I really like the moon shot...and those type of shots are usually a crap-shoot as to how they'll turn out. Clouds passing in front of the moon like that demand a constant adjustment of the settings, so it's always interesting to see what you can come up with!
Thank you Dave. The moon shots were killing me. All I wanted to do was run the camera over with the Jeep. No matter what I did I could not get what I wanted. Then I got home and loaded them onto the computer and was somewhat shocked. I really like the way the squirrels turned out. The second squirrel shot is of a Fox Squirrel. They are somewhat larger than a grey squirrel and have alot of red in their fur.
The biggest squirrels we have out here are the Gray squirrels...decent sized, but not as big as those.

As far as those moon shots go, try a variety of different settings and see which give you the best effects, and then work with that.

On cloudy nights (especially during winter), I'll use the "Bulb Mode" setting and have scored some real nice moon/clouds shots with it. Not sure what your equivellent is, but the Bulb Mode automatically adjusts everything and gives you manual control over the shutter. Using a tripod, I'll "guess" at the exposure time, and then review the shot and compensate over the course of the next few shots. I ocassionally score a good shot (out of many tries)!
I noticed the bulb setting when I ran the shutter speed all the way down. It would flash in the view finder. I had no clue what it was. I will definitely try it now that I kinda know what it is. It's strange. The whole weekend seemed to be a loss photography wise. Then I get home and POW. Now I just have to remember what it was that I was doing.
I hear ya' man!...heck, this year has SCREAMED past me so far, and I am so behind on projects, it's not funny. Even my photography have been nil...just a few landscapes here and there, no aircraft events of any kind so far...

That reminds me, I haven't posted anything to my thread in ages (but I've posted some to my
A friend of mine gave me tickets to the Thunder Valley Nationals for today so I went out for a little while and got some shots. I still need a lot of practice on my pan shots, whheeww.: I had to call it a day a little early cause I was suffering from heat exhaustion. The track temp was at 137 degrees F and the bleachers were rite their with it.

Excellent shots, Aaron!

You can really get a sense of the speed and motion with those shots...nicely done!

Eric's dead-on with that advice about the water...last year's airshow here had air temps of 111°(f) and the surface temps out on the ramp were unreal...
Thank you guys. I shot those with the 75-300 mm lens and was just a little to close to the track when they passed directly in front of me. As for the fluids I had 3 bottles of water and two diet cokes and was only out there for three and a half to four hours. The track surface was 137 degrees F and the aluminum bleachers were a close second. Once I got up and got to moving around I got a lot better quick. I just got to involved in taking pictures and should have moved around a lot more instead.

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