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He hasn't been logged in since the sixth. That's not like him. He's usually here (almost) every day. I sometimes even see him viewing forums in the wee hours of the morning. I AM starting to worry.

Now this is VERY worrying. It's been ten days with no login from Bill, which is VERY unusual. I found some info online which I believe MAY be current, for Bill. I passed it on to Wurger, who said he would pass it on to admins living here in the US, so someone could perhaps contact Bill's residence and see if he's okay. If anyone has his number or lives near Bill, please check on him.

Ya know I was thinking the same thing this morning. If I remember right last post or two I saw of his I think he mentioned something about starting to feel a bit under the weather. Hope he's doin ok.
On October 2nd, he mentioned having a kidney tract infection. That's the only thing I've seen, regarding his health.

*keeping fingers crossed for Bill's good health*

On October 2nd, he mentioned having a kidney tract infection. That's the only thing I've seen, regarding his health.

*keeping fingers crossed for Bill's good health*

Yes that was the post I was referring to. Just couldn't remember the particulars. It is worrisome. Keeping fingers crossed as you say.
I hope there will be an online guest book or rememberance book for Bill. I think a lot of us would like to let his family and friends know what Bill meant to us. I'll admit, right now I am crying like a baby...and I'm not the slightest bit ashamed to admit it. He was one of a kind.


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