Calling Northeast USA members!

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Once again, Marcel is making the trek to the States for bizzness. But he will have some time to take in the local fauna and that is where I would like some assistance from forum members. I believe he will staying on a Saturday and I was thinking that maybe several of us could get together that afternoon and have a few beers with him. I just don't know where would be a good place for those that can come.

Atlantic City?


Central Jersey (Trenton)?

I want to keep it within an hour's drive away but enough that a few of us could get together. One of the sights that I plan on showing him is the USS New Jersey if we can, so it will be a busy day.

Any suggestions?
I can do Friday May 2nd (I would have to take a day from work, but that should be no big) unless you guys wanted to come to Long Island on Sat the 3rd for a model show with vendors at the American Airpower Museum Farmingdale Airport. either way, let me know. Best regards, Jim
I can do Friday May 2nd (I would have to take a day from work, but that should be no big) unless you guys wanted to come to Long Island on Sat the 3rd for a model show with vendors at the American Airpower Museum Farmingdale Airport. either way, let me know. Best regards, Jim

Hi Jim,

I think that would be rather short. My train arrives at Philly around 17.00h. I couldn't get the early one unfortunately.
Where on Long Island? NY is about 3 hours away so it might be difficult. I was just talking to OldCrow who might be up to meeting at Aberdeen Proving ground in Maryland.

I dunno. Beside just me boring Marcel, I was hoping we could get a few more members together.
Where on Long Island? NY is about 3 hours away so it might be difficult. I was just talking to OldCrow who might be up to meeting at Aberdeen Proving ground in Maryland.

I dunno. Beside just me boring Marcel, I was hoping we could get a few more members together.

Chris, you're not boring me. What about Steve and Harrison?
USA beware, the Dutch are coming :)


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