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That 410 does have what appear to be aerials but I suspect these are some kind of instrument leads installed by the British for flight testing. Also, the dive brakes are extended (I guess so the Mossie could keep up! ha ha). I've seen the lower picture before but never noticed those aerials. According to Petrick and Stocker's book on the 210//410, this particular aircraft was w/n 10259 of 2/(F)122 and was captured near Naples in November 1943. Pictures of the plane just after its capture show no such items installed.

I just came across this in Strangers in a Strange Land by Hans-Heiri Stapfer. They were only operated by Lufthansa and were silver with the swastika on a red background on the rudder. General Christiansen used a DC-2 which looks like it was a dark RLM green. Interestingly, once Germany combined the DC-2's DC-3's they captured they became the largest operator of Douglas commercial aircraft outside of the US.
The germans captured alot of of the Douglas planes. The Luftwaffe and Deutsche Lufthansa used in total 10 DC2's, captured from Czechoslovakia and Holland.The KLM in the netherlands were "liberated" from them. Christiansen used a DC-2 from the klm

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