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Even better found it :D
I have 3 pics of her in this mag, but unfortunatley 2 of them didn't upload, I'll have to sort this later and do it:
Heres the mag cover and the pic:


I'll post the other 2 when I get the uploader working on my computer :( 1s in another angle color shot where the wind is blowing and another one is a black and white small pic. this one is by far the "worst" out of the bunch but its a nice long color shot, hope you guys enjoy :D They also list how the aircraft was captured, I'll post the story later :) Thanks Luftwaffe im Focus! Such an awesome magazine but pricy :D but with the amount of cool shots in the mag its worth it (also has a Bf-108 in a Bf-109 splinter camo very cool :D in this issue)

Off hand, the aircraft accidentally landed in a German airfield, and once the pilot tried to take off again the Germans noticed it wasn't one of theirs and then they captured the bomber. I'll get the whole story up later :D

Hope you guys enjoy! :D
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By the way, I've heard of a Corsair ( Royal Navy ) captured by the germans in Norway.
Ledgend ?
As I know it appears as "in reparation" in the Rechlin's captured aircraft list.
Anyone on this ?

One outcome Operation Mascot (17 July 1944) was the loss of an F4U to capture by the Germans. Flying as an escort for a Barracuda piloted by Lieut Comdr RS Baker-Falkner, DSO, DSC, RN, (Wing Leader for No. 8 TBR), an F4U piloted by Lieut HS Mattholie made a crash landing near Bodø and was captured intact. Mattholie spent the rest of the war in Stalag Luft III. Baker-Falkner and his crewmen, Lieut GN Micklem, and L/A AM Kimberley, 827 Squadron, were lost in this incident.

I'd really like to see a real photo of this plane.
Ok so the story:

the night of 4th to 5th Dec. The weather appeared good until the crews of Kampf. 53 (I./KG 53) got into the air. they were headed to bomb the London Docks. They completed their mission and then headed for home. (despite having navigation problems due to the un-expected storm that night)

At the same time 10 Vickers Wellingtons of No.99 Squadron were in the air bound for targets in the Rubr. They ran into navigation problems just like the Germans had experienced from the un-expected storm. The formation ended up brekaing up and each crew decided whether to head for the mission or head for home. Only one machine reached the target and droped their load. 6 Wellingtons made it back to their airfield at Newmarket, 3 others at other airfields in England and 1 failed to return.

Wellington Mk. IC coded LN-F (T2501) Flown by F/O F.H. Vivian had been damaged by light anti-aircraft fire and the crew became dis-orientated. They noticed landing lights of an airfield and ended up going in to land, thinking that they were over England. They had infact landed at the airfield home to I./KG 53 in Vitry-en-Artois. KG 53 had by then already returned to their airfield and were headed to their quarters when they noticed an aircraft coming in, they assumed it was one of theirs and they turned on the landing lights. No one suspected it was a British bomber and since it landed everyone assumed the aircraft was a German bomber.

It wasn't until a guard saw the crew climbing back into the Wellington that the base was alerted and alarm sounded. F/O Vivian didn't have time to take off and the crew were taken prisoner for the remainded of the war.

The Following day the Wellington was the center attraction for KG 53 and the Luftwaffe soldiers at the airfield. countless photos were taken a couple color slides and a short time later it was removed to conceil it from the British aerial recon.

There I sumed up the story for you guys :D I hope thats ok :)

as promised the other 2 photos from the mag. These arn't my images there printed by the magazine from the contribution of the owners of the slides/photos.

The mini photo enlarged a bit:

and the big one, its in color as is the first photo in the first photo link I posted, this one would be an awesome diarama shot :D
One outcome Operation Mascot (17 July 1944) was the loss of an F4U to capture by the Germans. Flying as an escort for a Barracuda piloted by Lieut Comdr RS Baker-Falkner, DSO, DSC, RN, (Wing Leader for No. 8 TBR), an F4U piloted by Lieut HS Mattholie made a crash landing near Bodø and was captured intact. Mattholie spent the rest of the war in Stalag Luft III. Baker-Falkner and his crewmen, Lieut GN Micklem, and L/A AM Kimberley, 827 Squadron, were lost in this incident.

I'd really like to see a real photo of this plane.

Theres a photo of one of the Japanese Corsairs. but nothing thats at least known in any German or Japanese markings for Corsairs except the "what if" stuff. :( I'd really love a photo too :D
This exceptional color photo shows two MiG-3s captured by Germans at Reichlin air base, where all captured Russian aircrafts were tested.
Note hand painted black cross over the red star, and the differences in the colour of metal (forward) and wooden (rear) part of the fuselage.
The light of the sunfall alters the shades, but the colors should be green and light blue.
Note the blue tint of the windscreen and canopy.

The protection of some trees wasn't sufficient to save this aircraft from being captured, and some other close ones from total destruction.
On most Soviet airports, Soviet leaved the aircrafts uncamouflaged and aligned on the ground, and this easened the task of German attack planes.


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Two more.
The Japanese examine captured Chinese aircraft


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Wow ! that's a really Nice P40 !! Thanks for sharing ! :)

Also I wanted to share with you this Swiss B17 pic ( even if this one is known ; I'm not as good as ColesAircraft sorry ;) )


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