Captured FW-190 Paint..

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Cool, thanks JG57-Rall. That helps me with the insignia part. I really appreicate it.

Oh and by the way. I miss the Arizona Desert too. I am a california transplant from Scottsdale AZ.

I ask myself that about once a month.. but then again.. The East Bay area of California is not bad.. especially when its 117 in Az. Looks like you live in Washington state now. I lived in Spokane for a while... When it was 10 below I could only dream of AZ. Spokane summers were great... but I live in a beautiful place now, its just a little whacky at times.


Its warmed up a bit today here in Montpelier Vt. 36 degrees. Ya know a 117 degree temperture does not sound to bad after last week when we had tempertures of 5 below zero with wind chills of 60 below. And warnings of possible hypo-thermia and frostbite if you venture out of doors for too long.
Yep, I am Pheonix bound this summer I hope. Think I will try to get one of those little trailers on Van Buren in Mesa. Normaly they only sell em to 55 year olds but I think I can convince them that 54 is not so much a difference. LOL!
I was just thinking about that this morning. I came to the office in a short sleeve shirt and was walking in with my S'bucks and it was not cold - I thought it had to be cold somewhere. Thankfully - Not here!
Suppose to be 78 here today, might even hit 80.

Be good to see some of those redone for FS2002. I would love to fly around in a captured P-51 Mustang or a B-17 Flying Fortress. What about branching out and trying to do a captured Bf-109 or Fw-190 or a captured Ju-88 for the Allied side?
Be good to see some of those redone for FS2002. I would love to fly around in a captured P-51 Mustang or a B-17 Flying Fortress. What about branching out and trying to do a captured Bf-109 or Fw-190 or a captured Ju-88 for the Allied side?

For CFS1 those aircraft are available. The FW-190 is a pretty sweet version, The JU-88 and Bf-109 are passable. There is however the allied captured Me-262, "The Screemin Meme" That is a beautiful model.

In your other post you mention FS2002. My XP machine is broke and this antique does not display FS2002 very well. But as soon as I have it or another PC working that can handle the newer Flight Sims I would love to do some captured war birds for that simulation.

Hello gents,
I thought you might get a kick out of these profiles of Fw-90A models in different national colors.


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Hello. I have buy a FW190 Hobbyking kit (1700mm) very cheap due to non scale paint scheme (builder error) and i want to repaint it using the same escheme as you, or the other totally red, both used for USAAF for FW190 captured. I have find a three view scheme of color scheme you wants. I joint it with other photos. I will thank you if you send me other photos you have find different to thies i join.




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This is quite old thread. Its author can be out of there. His last activity was at the beginning of the previous year.
Anyway welcome to the forum.

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