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I cannot see what you are debating here. Ask a sniper whether he would prefer a rifle were the sightline is close to the barrel line or one with sightline offset to the barrel. I think the answer would be clear. This is not a matter of belief but a matter of physical law and geometric .
Come to think of it, it'd be interesting if there was a special reason for removing the early P-51's (and A-36's) centerline Brownings.
my evaluation is a round from centerline worth ~1.75 from wings
What have you based that on?
"pitching problems (nose dips on firing)" please explain how a cannon in the center or above of a prop axis can cause a nose dip? Nose dips are well known at the Hurricane with 40 mm wing guns because the recoil here acts below the prop axis
American pilots flying P39s vs lightly armored Japanese planes were notoriously unsuccessful. P38 pilots vs Japanese were successful. About the only thing those two planes had in common was centerline guns (twin vs single engine comes to mind), yet they had totally different success stories. The gun system then would appear to not be the determing factor in thier success.
just my opinion after years on this forum and years reading on WW2 airwar
If you are hunting Japanese zeros and you want to destroy them fast you aim for the lightly armored wings which contain the gas tank. ...
You doubters could be right, but I'm basing my opinion on the opinion of the top three aces off all time. Hard to say they're wrong ... unless you purport yourself as an expert beyond the top three aces of all time. I'm certainly not. I doubt anyone else is either, and that doubt fuels my contention.
If there are any aces out there who think otherwise, please chime in here ... along with your name and record.
Otherwise, I'll stick with the opinions of people who shot down HUNDREDS of other aircaft over modern revisionists who weren't ever in aerial combat in any capacity. The guys with the opinions WERE.
C'mon, get real. Yoy think YOU are better than Hartmman, Barkhorn, or Rall, then prove it with publically available figures.