Heirlooms don't suck if you grow them yourself - least the Brandywines that I grew last summer didn't (and it was a cool summer for tomatoes) 
Engineering tomatoes to "travel well" is an oxymoron.
On a warm summer morning - nothing beats thick slices of beafsteak tomato with Greek feta, oregano, drizzled with olive oil salt pepper.
The Brandywines were great that way - plenty of flesh. They just matured too slowly
(What DID we do before the Spanish came to the Americas ???? No corn, tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco, chocolate etc.
Engineering tomatoes to "travel well" is an oxymoron.
On a warm summer morning - nothing beats thick slices of beafsteak tomato with Greek feta, oregano, drizzled with olive oil salt pepper.
The Brandywines were great that way - plenty of flesh. They just matured too slowly
(What DID we do before the Spanish came to the Americas ???? No corn, tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco, chocolate etc.