Chino 2007 Airshow

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I just got word that Glacier Girl, the P-38 that they dug out of the ice is appearing at Chino! I hope they fly her with 23 ski-doo. What shots that would make, 2 P-38s together in formation! YIPEE!
Plenty of hotels are in the area (10 mile radius). If youre serious, I will get you some information for which city to look for to stay.

As a bonus, the March AFB museum is a 30 minute drive away. They have LOTS of aircraft on static display.
Well, with her it is a big contest. Though, to tell the truth, I'd rather go out with her then go there. OR I could take her there with me.....hmmmmm.

At your age there really is no contest. You are young, enjoy your life and do things that you have not done before. There are more girls out there to choose from anyhow.
in any case don;t miss it. went to one some years ago in the fall to hear hans Busch give his two cents about the war and flying the Me 262A-2. It was a first for Chino when they pulled out the recon 262 on display there. There was talk from several of the workers that the intent was to get the bird flying again. Great as well watching Marseille's old Bf 109E rebuild flying. The engine was purring like a kitten. After everyone left an hour or so they pulled the 262 around the hanger and Hans hopped in the cockpit and in his fluent German ran through the whole gammit of ready take off instructions as he had been trained to do so many years ago ........... that was special / wish someone would of been there to capture that on film.

March field is a worthy trip as well after the Chino experience with out a doubt I concur with Eric on that ...... and others. If I could swing it I would be down from parts north

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