Chino This Weekend

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Jul 28, 2003
Chino, California, U.S.A.
I am a volunteer at the Planes of Fame Museum at Chino every Saturday. Yesterday, we saw a neat event. On the field we have two very nice museums, Planes of Fame and Yanks Air museum. The owner of Yabnks bought a Lockheed EC-121 Constellation and it flew in this Saturday. It came over from Camarillo, California, made a low pass down the runway, and cricled once for a textbook smooth landing. We takied off the active runway and held in place for about 5 minutes, completing his after-landing checklists, and taxied in toward Yanks.

It was painted in the US Air Force gray paint scheme and sounded very nice. It was quite photogenic and I may get some hi res pics from a friend who had a professional-type camera out there for the event.

If so, I'll post one or two. Neat thing to see, and not an everyday observation.
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