Christmas photo competition

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the lancaster kicks ass

Major General
Dec 20, 2003
come one, come all to the lanc's christmas photo competition!

i'm looking for a christmas-ish shot of something aviation related, be it a plane, person or a nut from an aero engine

public opinion will decide the best shot, but if i don't agree with public opinion, i'll be judging


1) the shot must contain snow, or some sort of christmas decoration
2) it must have some sort of plane, aviator or something with a strong aviation link
3) the winner will be the most festive shot
4) the prize has yet to be decided
Not exactly festive but heres a few snow shots I have....


  • 1_201.jpg
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  • 2_121.jpg
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Mines clearly the best, it has a plane, an aviatior, has snow, is at christmas and actually says merry christmas on the bombs

Heres that -110 in the snow for good measure too.

yes i think that will take some beating, so come on guys you're not gonna let yourselves be beaten by CC and some italians
Oh boy... I see Santa Claus....tower, can you hear me??? over...


  • santa_165.gif
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this is an flipped over finnish (from finland) me 109 (E?)

i think its the most worse christmas photo bcaus if ur lying in the aircraft in the freezing cold ur crhristmas is pretty fucked-up i would say but there's snow out there bcause its always winter there



  • finse_opzekoppe_bf_109_848.jpg
    22.4 KB · Views: 846
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