Christmas photo competition

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I cant compete with those super shots, so I have had to make something
up so this year Ive got a Fairey on the top of my tree :rolleyes:


  • fairey_196.jpg
    99.5 KB · Views: 437
Track great pic man, and beautiful Baum as well ...... :D

ok here is a fun shot or is it ? stupid non-coms almost running over the ZG pilot, etc........


  • bf_110__2__155.jpg
    52.3 KB · Views: 425
Damn, it's a shame that I haven't got a scanner. I have a picture of christmas dinner being pushed out of a Dakota over the jungles of Burma. Alright, there's no snow, no fur trees, no christmas decorations, no santa's hot, humid and diseased - but it was still christmas!
Snow, snow,snow...


  • knoke_360.jpg
    12.7 KB · Views: 368
II./ZG 1 going after US 15th AF heavies über Alpen, December 1943-January 1944 .......


  • me110-g2-62_136.jpg
    22.6 KB · Views: 348
plan_D said:
Damn, it's a shame that I haven't got a scanner. I have a picture of christmas dinner being pushed out of a Dakota over the jungles of Burma. Alright, there's no snow, no fur trees, no christmas decorations, no santa's hot, humid and diseased - but it was still christmas!

Conjures up images of a certain scene from a certain Monty Python film... :evil4:
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