Cockpitfest 2010

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Nice stuff Gary. It looks like it is coming along nicely. Some of those look like they have a ton of work put into them!

If you need a smaller flag for the cockpit, let me know, I can get you one. I hate to see the stars and stripes resting on the ground.
Great stuff Gary, some nice pics there! You're not wrong about the weather on Saturday! That cold wind really did me in - I couldn't get out of the car when we got back home!! I'd wanted to get a shot inside the Lightning F6, and the Typhoon, but missed out - ah well!
I'll post some pics here later, when I've sorted them all. Already made a separate thread for some of the models on display.
It was great tgo meet up with you and Tony, and just a shame we couldn't stay longer.
No problem, Gary. I know no disrespect was intended, just saving you from any grief you may get from someone later. Plus most veterans like to see their flag flying high and not touching the ground, regardless of the flag they served under. I appreciate the understanding.

The project is coming along nicely though, and I look forward to seeing more shots of it.
Here's the first batch from me, and the poor weather is evident!
PIC 1 Is the bunch of us, and I'm sorry, I cropped the pic after resizing! Lto R, Gary, Me, Tony and may mate Mick.
PICS 2 and 3. Scimitar, Hunter, Sea Hawk and Swiss Vampire.
PICS 4 and 5. Tornado F3 simulator.
PIC 6. A MkXIV SABS for sale on one of the few 'Aero Jumble' stalls, which I wanted, but couldn't find the guy who owned it! Judging by the rest of his prices, I think I would have got a bargain!
PIC 7. Mick playing in the Jaguar cockpit !
PIC 8. One of the Museum exhibits - Wojtek's toy 'copter, a ZP1 !!
PICS 9 and 10. Something for Maria and Jan - Draaken in Danish colours.


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A few more, showing some of the Museum's permanent outdoor exhibits, with the last three being another exhibitor with a Hurricane re-build.
First the Shackleton MR3, Super Sabre, two MiG 23's, and a (relatively) rare Bucanneer S1, with the origianl Gyron Junior engines.


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A few of the Spit


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And now....time for something completely was great to meet everyone....


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Great pics Tony. I was trying to get that BEA Anglia/Thames van in the same pic as the Heron, but there was a stupid modern car spoiling the shot.
What great pictures guys who would have thought that keeping cockpits was such a prolific hobby and to get them all in one place, how lucky you all are. You also got one up on us Aussies as well, you had a photo taken, good on ya's all. Shame the weather was so mean, I thought it was summer over there........................


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