Cockpitfest 2010

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He He! I feel real naked without it!
A few more pics:-
F4J instrument panel, Tornado and Jaguar cockpits, the latter showing the No.6 Sqn 'Flying Can-Openers' badge, Anson T19, Dam Busting 'Upkeep' mine with Mick (Upkeep is the round one!), Sea Vixen, H.P. Hastings, displaying it's Halifax ancestry.


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Thanks old boy.
Here's a few more.
Hasting, Swiss Vampire, Javelin, Ex-Falklands Sea Harrier (after up-grade), Viggen, and the appropriatley named 'Rattler'.


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Thanks Hugh.
Here's a few showing cockpits/ interiors of some of the Museum's own aircraft. I couldn't manage the high climb into the Shackleton, so Mick got some shots for me inside.
First one is the entrance door, about 20 feet up! Next, cockpit starboard side, flight engineers panel, and one of the Systems Ops stations.
Final pic is of a 'powered-up' cockpit from the 'Whistling Wheelbarrow', the A.W. Argosy. It was this aircraft I did my Basic para course on, when No. PTS was still at, forty years ago!!


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Finally got a chance to catch up on the new posts since my trip. Looks like you guys had a great time at cockpitfest except maybe for the temp. (I was at the other extreme at the time 95F and humid) Gary, the display you put up for Ross's and my projects looked great, thanks a lot. If I can ever get over there on a vacation I'll have to work it out for that weekend so I can be there.

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