Color pics For a Model I'm Building (2 Viewers)

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Unknown knowns are the things that we know, but are unaware of knowing. The coining of the term is attributed to Slovenian Philosopher Slavoj Žižek and it refers to the unconscious beliefs and prejudices that determine how we perceive reality and intervene in it. It is the Freudian unconscious, the "knowledge which doesn't know itself," as Lacan used to say

" There are known knowns; there are things we know we know.
We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know. "

I did not know that. Or maybe I knew that, but just did not know that I knew that? Know what I mean?
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It sounds the same like a politycian's declaration... As much as it could be promissed by me, has never been given yet to you by anybody.
Never in the field of Aviation forums, have soo many forumites been soo confused by soo few...
I miss Roadking01. His every comment, full of wit and yet thought provoking. And his quest for all the references he could lay his hands on so that each model he was creating would dare any to find fault in color hue or rivet placement were almost surreal. I remember his first model. Aurora's Invisible man. His skin color rendering has never been equaled IMHO.
And his last model, a scratch built "Polar bear in a snowstorm", just stunning.(Got a picture of it somewhere but I can't find it)

Geo (still at the mine, hope to have an update this weekend)

P.S. TO Bucksnort101----I'll be George thank you very much Now there's timing for ya
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To quote my fighting instructor, "...there perception and reality. Perception is what you block, and reality is what hits you up side the head."

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What spell check? Where? What colour font?
Thought 'George' was an autopilot ........
Anybody got any colour pics of a font I intend to write in .............. !!??!!

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