Color pics For a Model I'm Building

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I'll ask her to find the time to call you, when we both get back tomorrow, David .... yes Kate honey, I'm on the way now ...
Ha! Katie-poo, (she insists I call her that), and I have been carrying on for several years now.
And she said that she will be enforcing the restraining orders on all of you, so, stop calling! (Terry)
Ha! Katie-poo, (she insists I call her that), and I have been carrying on for several years now.
And she said that she will be enforcing the restraining orders on all of you, so, stop calling! (Terry)

Wrong Kate, Paul. We're talking about Kate Beckinsale, not Kate Brokeyerback.......

This is Kate Beckinsale...

and this is your Kate.....See the difference?

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