Spaghetti Bolognese (my modified quickish version)
I'm writing this from memory so may have forgotten somethings. Should be good for around 3 or 4 servings, and probably works out less than a pound per serving as well, cheap and easy, just like me
Cook the Spaghetti or other pasta type, whatever you prefer (I assume you know how to do this as it's incredibly easy)
250-500g mince (Beef of Tuna [1 of the larger cans, depending on serving size is usually enough] is my usual preferred choice, I guess you can use others as well)
Mixed herbs
Red wine
Olive oil
Chopped tomatoes
Tomato concentrate
- Chop up onion however you like (some like it in tiny pieces some prefer larger pieces)
- Heat up sauce pan to mid range heat, tip in some olive oil then add in the chopped onion, then stir it around a bit for a couple minutes until the onion looks like it has been lightly cooked.
- Add mince and mix it all up with the onion
- Continue mixing it around until the meat becomes brown and starts looking a little dry, probably around 10mins or so, then add in about a glass of red wine to moisten it up again.
- Continue mixing it around for another couple of minutes then add in can of chopped tomatoes (you can use peeled tomatoes or even fresh ones prepared similarly if you're really anal about it, but for 16p a can it's homebrand store bought chopped tomatoes for me
- Continue stirring it up, add in a healthy dose of mixed herbs in to spice up the flavour, I like to put in quite a bit.
- After stirring that in, get the (fresh) garlic and depending on how strong you like it, get one or more cloves, pull the skin off and push them through a garlic press and into the saucepan. If you dont have a garlic press you can do it the hardway by just chopping it into tiny pieces with a knife.
- Stir this some more, then add in a reasonable dose of tomato concentrate (AKA tomato paste in some places) you can get small bottles of the stuff here or a squeezeable tube, so whichever you have just put the lot in. You will probably need to stir this more frequently as if you leave it for more than a minute or so it can start to bubble and pop like a lava pool sending nasty tomato stains everywhere, so keep stirring to release that escaping gas, after around 5mins of this it should be pretty much ready.
Best served with a decent red wine.
Another good one is a decent homemade hamburger or pizza but they are so variable in ingredients depending on personal preferences that it's often different each time.
I'm writing this from memory so may have forgotten somethings. Should be good for around 3 or 4 servings, and probably works out less than a pound per serving as well, cheap and easy, just like me
Cook the Spaghetti or other pasta type, whatever you prefer (I assume you know how to do this as it's incredibly easy)
250-500g mince (Beef of Tuna [1 of the larger cans, depending on serving size is usually enough] is my usual preferred choice, I guess you can use others as well)
Mixed herbs
Red wine
Olive oil
Chopped tomatoes
Tomato concentrate
- Chop up onion however you like (some like it in tiny pieces some prefer larger pieces)
- Heat up sauce pan to mid range heat, tip in some olive oil then add in the chopped onion, then stir it around a bit for a couple minutes until the onion looks like it has been lightly cooked.
- Add mince and mix it all up with the onion
- Continue mixing it around until the meat becomes brown and starts looking a little dry, probably around 10mins or so, then add in about a glass of red wine to moisten it up again.
- Continue mixing it around for another couple of minutes then add in can of chopped tomatoes (you can use peeled tomatoes or even fresh ones prepared similarly if you're really anal about it, but for 16p a can it's homebrand store bought chopped tomatoes for me
- Continue stirring it up, add in a healthy dose of mixed herbs in to spice up the flavour, I like to put in quite a bit.
- After stirring that in, get the (fresh) garlic and depending on how strong you like it, get one or more cloves, pull the skin off and push them through a garlic press and into the saucepan. If you dont have a garlic press you can do it the hardway by just chopping it into tiny pieces with a knife.
- Stir this some more, then add in a reasonable dose of tomato concentrate (AKA tomato paste in some places) you can get small bottles of the stuff here or a squeezeable tube, so whichever you have just put the lot in. You will probably need to stir this more frequently as if you leave it for more than a minute or so it can start to bubble and pop like a lava pool sending nasty tomato stains everywhere, so keep stirring to release that escaping gas, after around 5mins of this it should be pretty much ready.
Best served with a decent red wine.
Another good one is a decent homemade hamburger or pizza but they are so variable in ingredients depending on personal preferences that it's often different each time.