Covid-19 reports

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Like I said, its not just about the vaccine. I agree with the right to choose. However, the behavior of so many people is pathetic. I've been in a hotel the last week and half out in California for work. The hotel has a mask policy. You must wear a mask in all public areas to help protect the staff and other guests. Most people comply. Do we enjoy wearing the masks? Nope, not one bit, but we are adults and act like adults. Not some. One guy came in the hotel and ignored the signs. The receptionist asked him to put on a mask, and offered him one if he did not have one. He refused, and began to aggressively berate and yell at the young woman behind the counter. He was acting like a spoiled teenager who did not get what they want. The manager got involved and told him to comply or leave. He finally put on his mask, checked in and went to elevator spewing 4 letter words.

Seriously, this is the selfish behavior I am referring to. These idiots that "demand their freedumz" think of no one but themselves. What about the woman behind the desk who is working to feed her family? What if she has an immunocprimised kid or parent at home? These idiots refusing to act like adults, are why we are stuck in this.
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While I am fully vaccinated, I still wear a mask every time that I enter an indoor setting and maintain a social distance policy. It works not only for Covid but the practice works against the Influenza virus as well. I also got my annual Flu shot a week ago.
The vaccine doesn't prevent the spread or getting it. It reduces the severity and reduces the spread. Doesn't mean you won't get it or spread it though.

This is the best example of what the vaccine does, bear in mind healthy lung is the black bits…
Gnomey ,

In addition to reducing the severity and reducing the spread, does the vaccine, or the vaccinated individual, reduce the likelihood of a mutation?
Gnomey ,

In addition to reducing the severity and reducing the spread, does the vaccine, or the vaccinated individual, reduce the likelihood of a mutation?

I'm not a doctor like our friend here, but the way I understand it anyone who catches the virus and spreads it can contribute to a mutation. Vaccinated or un-vaccinated. The virus reacts and mutates to a persons immune response.
re "In addition to reducing the severity and reducing the spread, does the vaccine, or the vaccinated individual, reduce the likelihood of a mutation?"

Yes. Each time a virus reproduces there is a minute chance of mutation.

Therefor anything that reduces the number of times the virus reproduces will also reduce the overall probability of a mutation* occurring. The vaccines primarily allow the immune system to react more quickly (on average) to the virus, reducing (on average) the length of time the virus survives in the host, and hence reduces (on average) the number of times the virus reproduces.

The opposite is also true, ie if a person is not vaccinated, the virus will survive longer (on average) in the host, and reproduce (on average) a greater number of times - thereby increasing the chance of a mutation*.

The chance of any one virus reproduction resulting in a mutation* is extremely small - with the % chance being contingent on many factors. But since it is estimated that the average infected person has somewhere around 10^10 virions**, which requires ~2^33 reproductions, even if the chance of mutation is only 1 in 2.6 x 10^17, with billions of people becoming infected the probability of mutation* adds up very quickly to unity. So far there have been more than 12 identifiable mutations*, or about 1 for every 30,000,000 people infected.

* mutation in this case is used for identified variants and/or mutations.
**virion is the term used to denote 1 complete physical virus structure, in the same way as cell is used to denote 1 complete physical bacterium structure.
Hugh, is there anything know about the occurrence of ADE in vaccinated people apart from the results in the clinical tests?
The reduction in reproduction would have to be primarily in fully vaccinated people. It would seem logical that those with only one dose would contribute to the mutation process even more than totally un-vaccinated people. Look at how Tuberculosis mutated because of people not completing the treatment regimen.
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Hugh, is there anything know about the occurrence of ADE in vaccinated people apart from the results in the clinical tests?
Nothing I've seen but then not read the papers that widely.

Gnomey ,

In addition to reducing the severity and reducing the spread, does the vaccine, or the vaccinated individual, reduce the likelihood of a mutation?
As described by others mutations always happen with replication anything that reduces that will reduce mutations but they still will always occur.
Hey Marcel,

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), the University of Minnesota Medical system, and the Mayo Clinic organization, all say that as of the end of September there has been no evidence of ADE (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement) in the vaccinated population. The MDH, UofM, and Mayo would be aware of any hard evidence of ADE.
Italy report, 11th October, weekly change, from Monday to Monday
cases 4,701,832 +18,186, deaths 131,335 +267, recovered 4,486,391, +25,909, active cases 84,106, -7,990, tests 61,203,810, +693,420, people tested 34,815,383, +287,346, vaccines administered 86,407,784*, +1,052,681, people full vaccinated 43,333,605, +517,578.
fatality rate 2.8% (=)
mortality rate 2,177 per million (+4)
positive rate 13.5% (-0.1)
vaccines on population 1,432,561 per million (+17,452)
people full vaccinated 718,431 per million (+8,581)
test rate this week 11,496 per million (-485)
positive rate this week 6.3% (+1.6)
new case rate this week 302 per million (-55)
new vaccines this week 17,452 per million (-2,385)
people full vaccinated this week 8,581 per million (-3,410)

* it's started the 3rd shot campaign for that need, now also the over 60 are included in the risk category, atm idk the number of eligible population for the booster but over 10 millions , 337,436 shot did
Abbreviated Minnesota Report

~70% of eligible Minnesotans (age 16+) have been fully vaccinated, with another ~4% partially vaccinated. ~92% of the most vulnerable population (age 65+) are fully vaccinated, with another 2% partially vaccinated. Unfortunately, the rate of vaccination has dropped significantly.

Minnesota has been averaging ~2,000 new COVID-19 cases each day for the last few weeks. This is Minnesota's highest new case rate since mid-December 2020, which is the period of Minnesota's highest new case rate so far. The current high case rate is due to 2 primary factors:

The majority of people (regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not) are no longer observing the social distancing and mask wearing prevention measures. Although there are exceptions (sometimes significant) for the most part only the long term care facilities, medical centers, and hospitals are still taking the prevention measures seriously.
The Delta variant appears to be significantly more transmissible than the previous significant variants, possibly as much as 4x as transmissible.

However, compared to December 2020, the hospitalization rate is averaging only ~1/15 (15 vs 230 per day) and the fatality rate is only ~1/4 (14 vs 57 per day). The reduced hospitalization and fatality rates are primarily due to 3 major factors (not necessarily in order of import):

The vaccination program.
Most of the new cases are occurring among the younger (under 65) age group.
The improved treatments developed during the pandemic.
Italy report, 18th October, weekly change, from Monday to Monday
cases 4,719,493 +17,661, deaths 131,585 +250, recovered 4,511,545, +25,154, active cases 76,363, -7,743, tests 61,889,258, +685,448, people tested 35,273,695, +458,312, vaccines administered 87,727,638*, +1,319,854, people full vaccinated 43,943,861, +610,256.
fatality rate 2.8% (=)
mortality rate 2,182 per million (+5)
positive rate 13.4% (-0.1)
vaccines on population 1,454,443 per million (+21,882)
people full vaccinated 728,549 per million (+10,118)
test rate this week 11,364 per million (-132)
positive rate this week 3.9% (-2.4)
new case rate this week 293 per million (-9)
new vaccines this week 21,882 per million (+4,430)
people full vaccinated this week 10,117 per million (+1,536)

* it's started the 3rd shot campaign for that need, now also the over 60 are included in the risk category, atm idk the number of eligible population for the booster but probably over 18 millions , 632,454 shot did

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