Cowboys and Aliens

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1st Lieutenant
Jan 18, 2009
Michigan, USA
I watched the movie on Cinemax and I like it. Is something wrong with me for liking such a weird movie? :oops:
But, should you also like Pearl Harbor, I'd recommend that you get a doctors appointment, just incase, you know.... ;) :D
So your saying you like fantasy movies then, eh?

Isn't that the ultimate escape?

The latest film about Diana has been slated.... I suppose that inevitable. What I would really like to know is whether it was an SAS hit squad in league with the French that caused the 'accident' in 1997.
There's nothing wrong with you, movies - like art, music and wine - are subjective. When we heed so called "critics" we are bowing to the opinion of just one person.
You like what you like, that's all. Hell I liked John Carter - I even like Water World and think Heavens Gate is a great movie.
no that was his peanut farmer brother little jimmy... i am easily amused and can accept a low budget or badly written flick for what it is worth. its the scarely movies i dont even bother with....not too much is really scary anymore ( other than real life ). most of the time is just T&A and massive blood letting ...nothing really spooky.
My personal rule of thumb is when a "movie critic" gives the movie a low score, I must see it.

As far as my favorites for all the wrong reasons, I liked ones like Starship Troopers and Total Recall. Actually, Total Recall had us going back and watching it several times to try and catch the shift from reality to the alternate. The debate was never settled so was a good movie in that respect.
Total Recall Starship Troopers were both really good by my estimate, however the sequal to ST was a joke and I hear they never even "get their ass to Mars" in the remake of Total Recall. What's up with that? Heresy! :lol:

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