Damaged Warplane Thread

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Senior Airman
Oct 5, 2006
New Jersey
Place where you can post all the damaged warplane photos you can find, it can be any era or country




can't forget this one!


Halifax II MZ559 at Old Buckenham - 3 Sep '44 after being hit by 1,000lb bomb over Venlo 2

Cool. That first image is from my Dad's cousins plane - He was tail gunner on Dottie Jane when they took that 88 hit. He took some shrapnel wounds.

He died about a year ago.

Details at 447th Bomb Group

Here is the underside...
This is my all-time favorite aircraft image of ww2 (and my former avatar).

Thanks to Dan Johnson (his image).
wow nice! i've seen the underside pic before and I think there is more photos of the plane but im not sure

sorry it's so big!!



Here's some I have. Don't know the stories behind them though...


  • g12905.jpg
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  • bent.jpg
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  • fa_ravager2.jpg
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  • SBDHardlanding.jpg
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  • f6f_fire.jpg
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interestingly 3 of these 5 are Mk.IIs!


  • Mk.II of No.115 Sqd being inspected by its pilot Sgt Jolly she was attacked returning from Cologne o
    Mk.II of No.115 Sqd being inspected by its pilot Sgt Jolly she was attacked returning from Cologne o
    51.9 KB · Views: 99
  • Mk.II (DS608) belonging to 1678 HCF based at Little Snoring. On exercise 2nd September 1943 they suf
    Mk.II (DS608) belonging to 1678 HCF based at Little Snoring. On exercise 2nd September 1943 they suf
    97.8 KB · Views: 74
  • Mk.I KM-O (R5494) 44 (Rhodesian) Sqn alight at North Front Gibraltar after running over a fragment o
    Mk.I KM-O (R5494) 44 (Rhodesian) Sqn alight at North Front Gibraltar after running over a fragment o
    46 KB · Views: 83
  • Mk.I, (ME559) of No.167 Sqd after crash-landing at Kegostrov, N Russia, 18th September, 1944..jpg
    Mk.I, (ME559) of No.167 Sqd after crash-landing at Kegostrov, N Russia, 18th September, 1944..jpg
    42.6 KB · Views: 201
  • Mk.II OL-D (DS686) of 426 Squadron hit by over one hundred machine-gun bullets or shell fragments du
    Mk.II OL-D (DS686) of 426 Squadron hit by over one hundred machine-gun bullets or shell fragments du
    32.3 KB · Views: 62
certainly moreso than they've given credit for, they're often said to be weaker than the american bombers but that's mostly the B-17, just what is tougher than a B-17 :lol:
if you loose an engine in a P-47 you find you'll run out of options very, very quickly as you sink like a 15,000lb stone ;)

I was trying to find the Power off/clean feathered glide ratio of the 47 - didn't find anything reliable. Saw some that said 1:1, but I wouldn't think that could be right, it's so damn low. At that rate you'd need 6,000ft to glide 1nm :shock:

Even my bulky TC-12B glides at 12:1 clean w/ both props feathered.

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